


FOR May 13, 2020

A meeting of the Common Council was held on May 13, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.     

ROLL CALL: Steve Bell, Karen Boes, Shane Litz, Angela Modesitt, and Mayor Brian Wyndham.  Brad Deal was absent.   

The Pledge to the American Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.


  • City Attorney Traci Orman and Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen.

PRAYER was said by Steve Bell.                      

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Angie Modesitt made a motion to approve the March 11, 2020 minutes seconded by Shane Litz.  The motion passed 4-0.



  1. Ordinance #2-2020 concerning no parking on portions of Depot St.: Steve Bell made a motion to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance #2-2020 on the first reading, seconded by Shane Litz.  Passed 4-0.  Steve Bell made a motion to approve Ordinance #2-2020, seconded by Karen Boes.  Passed 4-0.
  2. Ordinance #11-2020 concerning making the intersection of Depot and Church Street a four way stop: Angie Modesitt made a motion to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance#11-2020 on first reading, seconded by Steve Bell.  Passed 4-0.  Angie Modesitt then made a motion to approve Ordinance #11-2020, seconded by Karen Boes.  Passed 4-0. 


  1. Bond 2020:
    1. Resolution #7-2020, Resolution approving (1) Amendments to Declaratory Resolution and Economic Development Plans of CCRC and (2) Order of the Plan Commission Related thereto:

Resolution #7-2020 – Shane Litz made motion to approve Resolution #7-2020, seconded by Steve Bell.  Passed 4-0.

  • Resolution 8-2020: Approving Issuance of Bonds of the Brazil Redevelopment District –Steve Bell made a motion to approve Resolution #8-2020, seconded by Karen Boes.  Passed 4-0.
  • Re-Establishing CCD:
    • Public Hearing: Public Hearing was opened up at 5:33 pm.  There were no comments.  Public Hearing was closed at 5:40 pm.
    • Ordinance #9-2020Steve Bell made a motion to suspend the rules and approve Ordinance #9-2020 on first reading, seconded by Shane Litz.  Passed 4-0.  Shane Litz then made a motion to approve Ordinance #9-2020, seconded by Steve Bell.  Passed 4-0.
  • Ordinance #10-2020: Amending Ordinance 12-2008 regarding utility bill late fees in April 2020 due to Covid 19: Karen Boes made a motion to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance #10-2020 on first reading, seconded by Angie Modesitt.  Passed 4-0.  Angie Modesitt then made a motion to approve Ordinance #10-2020, seconded by Karen Boes.  Passed 4-0.    
  • Rotary asking the city to help with expenses for the 4th of July Fireworks.  Their request was for $17,000.00.  Council decided to take this under advisement. 



Mayor informed council members that the city would be partnering with the county to apply for a grant for the Industrial Park.  The grant would be at the least a 80% funded and 20% match and could be as much as a 100% funding for the project. 

Mayor also stated that the City could potentially be looking at a loss of revenues due to the Covid – 19 crisis. 

ADJOURNMENT: Shane Litz made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Angie Modesitt.  The motion passed 4-0.  Meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.

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