


FOR OCTOBER 12, 2022

A meeting of the Common Council was held on October 12, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in Brazil City Hall.  The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.       

ROLL CALL: Mayor Brian Wyndham and Council Members Shane Litz, Karen Boes, Angie Modesitt, Brad Deal and Steve Bell. 

The Pledge to the American Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.


  • Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, City Attorney Traci Orman, City of Brazil Resident Angie Cox, City of Brazil Firefighters and Union Representatives Troy McQueen, Chris Moon and Union President Zach Mormans.   

PRAYER: The Prayer was led by Karen Boes

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:   Karen Boes made a motion to approve September 14, 2022 and September 28, 2022 Minutes,seconded by Angie Modesitt.  Motion Passed 5-0.

AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Brazil City Resident Angela Cox requested to council members that there be restricted parking on Church Street, between North Walnut and North Washington Streets.  Angela would like to see there be parking aloud only on the southside of the road. Angela also stated that church street is a one-way and she requested that Police monitor this road for people traveling the wrong way down the one-way.  Finally, Angela requested that there be another handicap parking spot made available, she stated that one spot is simple not adequate.  Mayor Brian Wyndham stated he would talk with our Street Superintendent and see about making the One-Way signage more visible.  Mayor Brian Wyndham also stated that he will see to it that our police patrol this area more.  Council members then made a unanimous decision to have the City Attorney Traci Orman create an Ordinance for parking to be allowed on only one side of the road.        


  1. Angie Modesitt made a motion to approve the second reading and final action of Ordinance 13-2022, seconded by Brad Deal.  Motion passed 5-0.
  2. Ordinance 14-2022 Clerk-Treasurer 2023 Salary Ordinance (2nd Reading) – Angie Modesitt made a motion to approve the second reading and final action of Ordinance 14-2022, seconded by Brad Deal.  Motion passed 5-0.
  3. Ordinance 15-2022 Common Council 2023 Salary Ordinance (2nd Reading) – Angie Modesitt made a motion to approve the second reading and final action of Ordinance 15-2022, seconded by Brad Deal.  Motion passed 5-0.
  4. Ordinance 16-2022 Police Officers 2023 Salary Ordinance (2nd Reading) – Angie Modesitt made a motion to approve the second reading and final action of Ordinance 16-2022, seconded by Brad Deal.  Motion passed 5-0.
  5. Ordinance 17-2022 Firefighters 2023 Salary Ordinance (2nd Reading) – Angie Modesitt made a motion to approve the second reading and final action of Ordinance 17-2022, seconded by Brad Deal.  Motion passed 5-0.
  6. Ordinance 18-2022 Employees and Appointees 2023 Salary Ordinance (2nd Reading) – Angie Modesitt made a motion to approve the second reading and final action of Ordinance 18-2022, seconded by Brad Deal.  Motion passed 5-0.
  7. Ordinance 19-2022 2023 Budget – Steve Bell made a motion to approve the second reading and final action of Ordinance 19-2022, seconded by Karen Boes.  Motion passed 5-0. 
  8. Ordinance 21-2022: Head Alley Vacation (re-certification) – City Attorney Traci Orman explained that the notice has been sent out and published in the newspaper. Public Hearing was opened at 5:25 pm, with no comments from the public, the Public Hearing was closed at 5:26 pm.  Shane Litz made a motion to approve the re-certification of Ordinance 21-2022, seconded by Steve Bell.  Motion Passed 4-1.  Angie Modesitt abstained from voting.     
  9. Ordinance 22-2022: Lewis Street & Alley Vacation (re-certification) – City Attorney Traci Orman explained that the notice has been sent out and published in the newspaper. Public Hearing was opened up at 5:25 pm with the Head Alley Vacation, with no comments from the public, the Public Hearing was closed at 5:26 pm.  Shane Litz made a motion to approve the re-certification of Ordinance 22-2022, seconded by Steve Bell.  Motion Passed 4-1.  Angie Modesitt abstained from voting.     


  1. Flood Plain Ordinance – City Attorney Traci Orman handed out information pertaining to a Flood Plain Ordinance.  Traci would like council to review this Ordinance and then give feedback at the November Council Meeting when she presented new Ordinance. 
  2. Application for Chicken Coop, Tyler Webster – Application did not have a site plan with it, Mayor Brian Wyndham will request a site plan from applicant.  Council made a unanimous decision to table application until plan is resubmitted.  
  3. Amendment to the 2023 Firefighters Union Contract – Steve Bell made a motion to approve the amendment to the Firefighters Union Contract, pertaining to salaries to be received in 2023, seconded by Angie Modesitt.  Motion passed 5-0.


  • Steve Bell Would like to see the new City of Brazil City Logo on all city vehicles.  Steve Bell, would also like to see all the street cuts fixed around the city.  Mayor Wyndham commented that he will get an inventory of all the street cuts. 
  • Shane Litz – Stated that he is very happy with the paving of the city parking lots.      


Mayor Brian Wyndham explained to council that he would like to see the city put up a new salt building on the grounds of the new City of Brazil Garage.  The City of Brazil’s salt is currently being stored at the Zoo Building located at Craig Park.  Mayor Wyndham stated that the city could pay for the new salt building with the proceeds from the sell of the old city garage.  The 1st estimate that was received for a new salt building at roughly $96,558.00.    Mayor Wyndham explained that he would be getting a 2nd quote for the construction of a new salt building. 

FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: nextCouncil Meeting November 9, 2022 @ 5 p.m.

ADJOURNMENT: Brad Deal made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 5:41 p.m.

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