



FOR AUGUST 11, 2021

A meeting with the Board of Public Works was held on August 11, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall.  The meeting was called to order by Mayor Wyndham.

Pledge was led by Mayor Wyndham.

ROLL CALL: Mayor Wyndham, Ruthann Jeffries, Linda Messmer, City Attorney Traci Orman, Deputy Clerk Melissa Dorsett

OTHERS PRESENT: Fire Chief Jake Bennett, Street Superintendent Brian Bemis, Planning and Zoning Administrator Janet McClellan, Daniel Rose

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Linda Messmer made a motion to approve minutes from July 28, 2021, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 3-0.


  1. Award Cemeteries’ Mowing 2022-2024 (Notice of Award and Contract) – 

The following bids were received and reviewed by the Board to mow Cottage Hill Cemetery and Restlawn Cemetery:

Long’s Lawn Care

Cottage Hill Cemetery 2022-2024……$101,000.00

Restlawn Cemetery 2022-2024………….$24,000.00

Total Bid…………………………..…$125,000.00

U.S. Lawn Care

Cottage Hill Cemetery 2022-2024…..$115,500.00

Restlawn Cemetery 2022-2024………..$42,000.00

Total Bid………………………….…$157,500.00

Long’s Lawn Care was the lowest bidder.  Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve the Notice of Award for the 2022-2024 mowing contract to Long’s Lawn Care to mow Cottage Hill and Restlawn cemeteries for $125,000.00, subject to appropriations, and approve the Cemetery Mowing Contract and authorize the Mayor as signatory for any future documents; seconded by Linda Messmer.  The motion passed 3-0.

  • Approval of Mowing – (see list) -Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve the mowing list for August 11, 2021, seconded by Linda Messmer.  The motion passed 3-0.
  • Memorandum and Minute Corrections – There was a time error on approved minutes from the July 15, 2021 Board of Works.  The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. instead of 10:00 a.m.  There was also an error from the Executive Session Memorandum.  The meeting was held on July 14, 2021 instead of July 15, 2021. Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve the corrections for both minutes, seconded by Linda Messmer.  The motion passed 3-0.


  1. Clerk’s Office – Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve the claims from the Clerk’s Office; seconded by Linda Messmer.  The motion passed 3-0.
  • Utilities’ Office – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve the claims from the Utilities’ Office; seconded by Ruthann Jeffries.  The motion passed 3-0.


ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Linda Messmer seconded by Ruthann Jeffries.  The motion passed 3-0.  Meeting was adjourned at 10:09 a.m.

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