


FOR JUNE 13, 2018


A meeting of the Common Council was held on June 13, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.

ROLL CALL: Steve Bell, Roy Kellar, Shane Litz, Angie Modesitt, Mayor Brian Wyndham. Brad Deal was absent.

The Pledge to the Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.

OTHERS PRESENT: City Attorney Traci Orman, Deputy Clerk Melissa Dorsett, Fire Chief Jake Bennett, Brazil Times Editor Frank Phillips, India Orman, Tim Paullus, Gerald Cradick, Candy Cradick

PRAYER was said by Steve Bell.





  • Gerald and Candy Cradick of 824 N. Walnut were present to discuss recurring issues with their neighbor and a fence dispute. Mayor Wyndham has consulted with the City Attorney on this recurring issue and it is determined that the fence issue is a civil issue. The City cannot enforce any ordinance violations on the neighbor until property lines are established through a survey.


  • Resolution 1-2018, Purchasing Property (Turner St.) –Property at Turner St. has previously been designated as a Trailer Park, but the owner has offered it for sale to the City for a purchase price of $50,000.00. Mayor Wyndham noted that the property has potential and is close to East Side Elementary and might be useful for the school, or possibly a park.  Roy Kellar has looked at the property and would like to see it as a park or basketball courts for the neighborhood.  Steve Bell made a motion to accept Resolution 1-2018, A Resolution Regarding Interest in Purchasing Real Property at Turner St; seconded by Roy Kellar.  The motion passed 4-0.  The City Attorney will work on getting appraisals and then will proceed with the proper steps toward the purchase of the property.  Clerk Treasurer Karen McQueen will be working with the Council to appropriate the funds for the purchase.
  • CF1 Tax Abatements -Britt Aero/Britt Tool, Inc. – Shane Litz made a motion to find Britt Aero/Britta Tool, Inc. in substantial compliance with the Statement of Benefits for tax abatements regarding
    1. 2016-2: Personal
    2. 2014-7: Personal
    3. 2013-13: Personal
    4. 2017-7: Personal

seconded by Angie Modesitt.  The motion passed 4-0

  • CF1 Tax Abatements -Morris Manufacturing & Sales, Inc. – Shane Litz made a motion to find Morris Manufacturing in substantial compliance with the Statement of Benefits for tax abatements regarding:
    1. 2012-10: Personal
    2. 2013-5: Personal
    3. 2015-3: Personal
    4. 2015-10: Personal
    5. 2008-6: Real
    6. 2010-8: Real
    7. 2013-4: Real

with a watch on 2 abatements; seconded by Steve Bell.  The motion passed 4-0.  Mayor Wyndham will be contacting Morris Manufacturing on behalf of the Council to discuss the 2 abatements that are a concern.

  • CF1 Tax Abatements -Timberland Home Center, Inc. – Shane Litz made a motion to find Timberland Home Center Inc. in substantial compliance with the Statement of Benefits for tax abatements regarding:
    1. 2016-8: Personal
    2. 2015-14: Personal
    3. 2017-9: Personal

seconded by Steve Bell.  The motion passed 4-0.

  • CF1 Tax Abatements – IVC Industrial Coatings, Inc. – Roy Kellar made a motion to find IVC Industrial Coatings, Inc. in substantial compliance with the Statement of Benefits for tax abatement 15-2009 (Personal); seconded by Angie Modesitt. The motion passed 4-0.
  • Ordinance 2-2018, Amending Section 90.22 (Monthly Trash Collection) –City Attorney Traci Orman explained that Ordinance 2-2018 is an Ordinance to amend language in section 90.22 of the Brazil Code of Ordinances regarding unpaid trash bills. Steve Bell made a motion to suspend rules and pass on 1st Reading; seconded by Angie Modesitt.  The motion passed 4-0.  Steve Bell made a motion to approve Ordinance 2-2018, An Ordinance Amending Title IX, Chapter 90, Section 90.22, Monthly Trash Collection Procedure Fee of the City of Brazil, Indiana Code of Ordinances; seconded by Angie Modesitt.   The motion passed 4-0.



  • Mayor Wyndham stated that only 1 bid was received and opened. It was rejected by the Board of Works because the bid was over the estimated cost.  Mayor stated that the City will contract the work out and we are hoping to stay under $130,000.



  • Angie Modesitt – Mike Wallace owns property on Ashley St and he states that the neighbor’s fence is on his property and blocking the city owned alley. Wallace is in the process of having the property surveyed and then the City will be able to cite ordinance violations on the property owner if needed.
  • Steve Bell – Asked if the City has any control or ordinances to control dust pollution. Roy Kellar suggested the ordinance that requires businesses to blacktop parking lots.  Mayor Wyndham said that we will have to do a little research and discuss next meeting.



Roy Kellar made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Shane Litz.  Passed 4-0 @ 5:54 p.m.

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