FOR May 9, 2017
A meeting of the Brazil Park Board was held on May 9, 2017 at 6:04 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Carrol Evans.
ROLL CALL: President Carrol Evans, Vice President Brian Bemis, and Secretary Janet McClellan
The Pledge to the Flag was led by Carrol Evans
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Janet made a motion to pass minutes from April 11, 2017; seconded by Brian. The motion passed 3-0.
TREASURER REPORT: Will have a treasurer report next meeting
As of Jan. 2017:
Ending Balance- $
Total Expenses- $
Remaining Non-Reverting balance-$
PARK SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Marv Moon presented the report.
Report as follows:
- Large elm tree was removed from Wheeler Park due to ground saturation.
- ADA swing has been installed and is in proper working order.
- More weed killer will need to be purchased.
- Stalls in pool house have been prepped for paint.
See Attached for the remaindered of items.
AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Cindi Monds emailed Janet to report on Parks Association. Email has followed: Fountain Restoration project has been reviewed and voted to send requests for proposals. Parks Association is pursuing three bridges for Craig Park. Also Parks Association would like to invite the Park Board to their meetings. Parks Association meetings are the Fourth Mon of the month at City Hall.
- Park and Shelter Rules and Regulations- Tabled till next month.
- Concrete Pad at Craig Park- Brian Bemis meets with Tom Reberger at Craig Park. They are going to move the concrete pad a little north to get out of the way of the utilities. They have an estimate around $1500.00 for the concrete work from Mershon’s.
- Drainage- Installed 600’ of 12” from bridge to band shell. Installed 500’ of 10” slotted from band shell to basin in the center of the midway area. Installed main catch basin in center of midway area. Installed catch basin at sidewalk to band shell.
- Recreational Director- Marv said that William Woolery cannot take this position. He recommends that Stony Fisher may be interested.
- Summer Concerts- Janet said that all summer concerts concession stand are full. And we are ready to go for May 20. Pepsi created commercial that is airing on TV.
- 5 Year Plan- Carrol presented the letter from DNR that the Parks 5 year plan has been accepted.
None at this time.
ADJOURNMENT: Brian made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Janet. Motion passed 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
Janet McClellan Date
Park Board Secretary