FOR FEB. 14, 2017
A meeting of the Brazil Park Board was held on Feb. 14, 2017 at 6:01 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Carrol Evans.
ROLL CALL: President Carrol Evans, Vice President Brian Bemis, and Secretary Janet McClellan The Pledge to the Flag was led by Carrol Evans.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Janet McClellan made a motion to pass minutes from Jan. 10, 2017; seconded by Brian Bemis. The motion passed 3-0.
As of Jan. 2017:
YTD Balance-$212,800.00
Remaining balance- $204,145.68
Remaining Non-Reverting balance-$27,333.80
PARK SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Marv Moon presented the report.
Report as follows:
- Second Phase of Craig Park Campgrounds; cleared of undergrowth and dead trees. This will allow 12 campsites instead of the original planned 8.
- Multiple trails and hiking paths at Craig Park have been cleared with more trails to come
- Access road and east pool parking have been grated and leveled
- Multiple tree limbs were removed from Forest Park due to high winds
See Attached for the remaindered of items.
- Matt Mershon- The CYL would like to build an indoor batting cage and storage facility. They would like to put a metal building in the south west corner right past the restrooms. He presented plans and pictures to Park Board. Brian made motion to allow the CYL to build an indoor batting cage and storage facility in the CYL area of the park with pending State Design Release. Janet second. The motion passed 3-0.
- Park Concerts- Marv and Janet presented an idea of having Third Saturday Family Friendly Park Concerts at Forest Park in May, June, July, and August with the concession stand open. The concert will be free to everyone. Only fee is to purchase food, snacks, and drinks. May 20 is Armed Forced Day. We would like to have a Military theme for that evening. Any ideas would be great. Brian made motion to allow the Free Family Friendly Concerts at Forest Park the 3rd Sat of the months in the summer. Carrol second. The motion passed 3-0.
- Concession Stand Windows- Janet would like to see new windows in the concession stand. The old screens are in very poor state and are unsanitary for the public. Plus the big wooden gates over the window are a safety concern. Brian can purchase 6 big windows for $842. Marv and Brian will install them. Brian made a motion to purchase the windows out of Professional Services. Janet second. The motion passed 3-0.
- Parke Co REMC Grant- Janet wanted to update on this grant. The Parks Association will be completing the paperwork for this grant on our behalf. We will need to come up with a big project to submit with the grant. The Parks Association will apply for this in the second quarter.
- Golf Parking Lot- Brian said that some of the Golf Board approaches him about turning the road in front of the golf stand to parking lot and the park parking lot to the road. Brian said that not only will it involve the park but the City Council. Plus not sure legally we can change the road, would have to get with the City Attorney. Brian said that the Park’s Department should not pay for any of this. 3 trees will need to be removed and for asphalt. If the golf board would like to see this done, they will need to pay for the complete job.
- Mowing Contract- Brian read off all quotes. Brian announced the award to Lawn America. He asked if there are any questions; No questions were asked at this time.
- 5 year Plan – Carrol said her and Zach are still working on the 5 Year Plan. They are working with Greg Beilfus still. Specifications have changed. Will have more information in next meeting.
- Pool- The YMCA has been seeking more information about the pool. The Y seems interested. Brian and the City Attorney created a Memorandum for the YMCA to use the park pool. Ruthanne Jeffries had some questions. Ruthanne wanted to make sure that the pool will be open to the public still even if they do not have a Y pass. The pool will be open to the public regardless of Y pass. Brian made a motion to accept the memorandum pending any small changes from the Y and that Carrol can sign the memorandum. Janet Second. The motion passed 3-0.
- Contracts- Contracts for the Rotary, ASK, CYL, Tri Kappa, Concert Band, and Christmas in the Park for Thanksgiving to Christmas need to be approved by the park board. Brian made a motion to accept the annual contracts written as is but change the date on them. Janet second. The motion passed 3-0.
BOARD COMMENTS: Carrol still is working on the Solar light paths at Craig Park. Carrol is talking with a company out of Miami and Rose-Hulman. It will be nice to have a Solar Lighted path for the campground area to the restrooms. Janet handed out some historical articles on Forest Park.
ADJOURNMENT: Janet made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Brian. Motion passed 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Janet McClellan Date
Park Board Secretary