FOR JULY 8, 2020
A meeting of the Common Council was held on July 8, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Steve Bell, Karen Boes, Shane Litz, Angela Modesitt, Brad Deal and Mayor Brian Wyndham.
The Pledge to the American Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
- Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen. City Attorney Traci Orman was not present.
PRAYER was said by Brad Deal.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Shane Litz made a motion to approve the June 10, 2020 minutes seconded by Karen Boes. The motion passed 5-0.
- Jim Coffenberry: Industrial Park Utility Expansion and EDA Grant. – Jim Coffenberry was present to explain to council the grant that the County and City will be co-applicants on in order to complete a utility expansion to the industrial park.
- Morris Manufacturing CF-1s: Shane Litz made a motion to approve the following CF-1s to be in substantial compliance by Morris Manufacturing:
- 2015-3 Personal
- 2015-10 Personal
- 2010-8 Real
- 2013-4 Real
Steve Bell seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.
- Timberland CF-1s: Shane Litz made a motion to approve the following CF-1s to be in substantial compliance by Timberland:
- 2017-9 Personal
- 2015-14 Personal
Steve Bell seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.
- Britt CF-1s: Shane Litz made a motion to approve the following CF-1s to be in substantial compliance by Britt:
- 2014-7 Personal
- 2016-2 Personal
- 2017-6 Real
- 2017-7 Personal
- 2018-4 Personal
Steve Bell seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.
- April Hobb – Drainage issue:
April Hobb was present to discuss with council and to present some recent bills that she had incurred due to a leak in her rental home that she stated was caused by a water issue the City of Brazil Water Department caused. The Mayor explained to April Hobb that all bills would be turned over to the City of Brazil’s Insurance Company and the City would be in contact with her soon.
Steve Bell: Wanted to let other council members know how impressed he was with Lynsey Lunsford’s new building that she is having built on Jackson Street.
Karen Boes: None
Brad Deal: Stated that the Street lights in town are looking nice.
Shane Litz: Stated that he was happy, with the great turnout at the Rotary Fourth of July celebration at Brazil’s Forest Park.
Angie Modesitt: None
Mayor Wyndham started off by inviting council members to another food distribution on July 11, 2020 from 9-11 a.m. He also commented about how well the Forth of July Festival went.
ADJOURNMENT: Brad Deal made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Angie Modesitt. The motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 6:06 p.m.