FOR JUNE 12, 2019
A meeting of the Common Council was held on June 12, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Steve Bell, Roy Kellar, Shane Litz, Angie Modesitt and Mayor Brian Wyndham. Brad Deal was absent.
The Pledge to the Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
Prayer was led by Steve Bell
OTHERS PRESENT: City Attorney Traci Orman, Deputy Clerk Melissa Dorsett, Troy Hicks, Alan Buell, Donna Buell, Teresa McCullough, Steve McCullough, Elizabeth Pennington
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Steve Bell made a motion to approve the May 8, 2019 minutes, seconded by Roy Kellar. The motion passed 4-0. Brad Deal was absent.
- Elizabeth Pennington, resident of St. Andrew’s Glen, was present along with Steve and Teresa McCullough and Donna and Alan Buell. Elizabeth and the other residents are concerned about drivers ignoring stop signs and speeding through the neighborhood. The residents would like to have more stop signs installed or police services to help with the issues. Steve McCullough was concerned about the safety of children in the neighborhood and also stated that cars have slid into his yard over the years. Mayor Wyndham suggested a subcommittee with Council Members and the HOA of St. Andrew’s Glen to come up with locations for more speed limit signs. In the meantime, Mayor Wyndham will talk to the Police Chief about officers patrolling the area to help enforce safety.
- Troy Hicks asked for clarification on the Golf Cart Ordinance. He asked if the slow-moving sign was needed for ATV’s and off-road vehicles or just Golf Carts. Mayor Wyndham stated that we are just trying to model the state law and that only the Golf Carts need to have the slow-moving sign. Troy also stated that there is a tall grass/weed issue at Jackson and Warren Street that makes it hard for traffic to see when pulling out onto Jackson Street. Mayor Wyndham will speak with the Street Superintendent to trim this area.
- Approval of CF-1s – The following companies were reviewed and found to be in substantial compliance with the estimates made on the SB-1s for the tax abatements:
- New Hope (Real Estate)-Resolution 2015-16, Shane Litz made a motion to approve, seconded by Roy Kellar. The motion passed 4-0. Brad Deal was absent.
- IVC (Personal Property)-Resolution 15-2009, Steve Bell made a motion to approve, seconded by Angie Modesitt. The motion passed 4-0.
- Timberland (Personal Property)-Resolution 2015-14, 2016-8, 2017-9, Roy Kellar made a motion to approve, seconded by Shane Litz. The motion passed 4-0.
- Britt Aero (Real Property)-Resolution 2017-6, Angie Modesitt made a motion to approve, seconded by Steve Bell. The motion passed 4-0.
- Morris Manufacturing (Real Property/Personal Property)-Resolution 2006-6, 2010-8, 2012-10, 2013-4, 2013-5, 2015-3, 2015-10, Roy Kellar made a motion to approve, seconded by Shane Litz. The motion passed 4-0.
- Resolution 3-2019: A Resolution in Support of the Passage of PSAP Tax – Council Members Steve Bell and Shane Litz met with the County to discuss the PSAP tax and the Interlocal Agreement between the City and the County for 911 services. Passage of the PSAP tax will alleviate the need for an Interlocal Agreement and should help to fund the 911 services for the County and City. Steve Bell made a motion to approve Resolution 3-2019: A Resolution in Support of the Passage of PSAP Tax, seconded by Shane Litz. The motion passed 4-0. Brad Deal was absent.
Mayor Wyndham gave an update on the recently purchase Duke Building. The walls are up and the drywall is done. Painting will start next week. Mayor discussed the possible need to appropriate more funds for the project.
- Angie Modesitt would like to see a TV recycle program started in the City, possibly coordinating with the heavy trash pickup days or on a separate day.
- Steve Bell wanted an update on the Project Lifesaver program. Mayor Wyndham will speak with Mary Jo Archer about purchasing equipment for the program. Steve also talked to the Emergency Management coordinator about the schedule for the emergency siren in Brazil. Steve has also noticed a lot of traffic and interest in the fountain at Forest Park and sees value in having the fountain restored.
ADJOURNMENT: Shane Litz made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Steve Bell. The motion passed 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.