FOR MAY 8, 2019
A meeting of the Common Council was held on May 8, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Steve Bell, Roy Kellar, Brad Deal, Shane Litz, Angie Modesitt and Mayor Brian Wyndham.
The Pledge to the Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
Prayer was led by Roy Kellar
OTHERS PRESENT: City Attorney Traci Orman, Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, Robert DeCamp, John Moore with Mainstreet, Helen Mueiner with Mainstreet, Dr. Johnson, Police Chief Clint McQueen, and Frank Phillips with the Brazil Times.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Shane Litz made a motion to approve the April 10th and the April 24th minutes, seconded by Brad Deal. Passed 4-0. Angie Modesitt abstained.
John Moore with Mainstreet was present to inform the council of all the upcoming events and projects that the organization is doing. See attached sheets.
Frank Phillips with the Brazil Times – requested that the council investigate the parking situation on South Walnut Street near the Baptist Church. He stated that the parking gets very congested at times and cars are parking on both sides of the road, making it hard to drive 2 cars down the road at the same time.
- Dispatch Services – Shane Litz and Steve Bell met with the county council and commented that they expressed their support of the county passing the PSAP.
- Speed Limit Signs on Walnut Street – Brian Bemis installed one at Walnut & Church going North & there is already one for Southbound traffic between Hendrix St. and National Ave.
- Senior Citizen – Robert DeCamp present to ask the council to appropriate $4,000.00 to donate for the bus route here in Brazil. Shane Litz made a motion to approve, seconded by Roy Kellar. Passed 5-0.
- Craig Park & County Bike Trail – Johnson was present to discuss the bike trail again with the city council. Dr. Johnson requested that the council find out what the actual cost of engineering that Strand Engineering did for the bike trail. He explained that this was an in-kind donation. Dr. Johnson also requested that the City of Brazil pay $15,000.00 to Jerrell Consulting for her work that she has done on the bike trail. Dr. Johnson stated that the City could donate $60,000.00 over the course of 4 years, making the first year’s donation of $15,000.00 given to Jerrell Consulting. Council members decided to table the request.
Mayor Wyndham stated to the council that the paving was set to start up June 1st, he also stated that the Edgewood storm water project was coming along nicely.
ADJOURNMENT: Brad Deal made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Steve Bell. The motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 5:42 p.m.