203 East National Avenue
Brazil, Indiana 47834
Phone: (812) 443-2221
Fax: (812) 446-0337
Brian Wyndham, Mayor
Karen McQueen, Clerk-Treasurer
FOR MARCH 11, 2015
A meeting of the Common Council was held on March 11, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Brian Wyndham, Ann Bradshaw, Brad Deal, Carrol Evans, Michelle Harden-Price, Tyler Hutcheson. Also in attendance: Traci Orman, City Attorney and Karen
The Pledge to the Flag was lead by Mayor Wyndham
PRAYER was said by Brad Deal
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from February 11, 2015; Brad Deal made a motion to approve; seconded by Ann Bradshaw. Tyler Hutcheson abstained. The motion passed 4-0. OLD BUSINESS: Tyler Hutcheson wanted an update on the progress of a stop sign at the corner of Chicago and Pinkley Street. Council Members updated him about the discussion at the previous meeting.
1.) Recommendation for Cancellation of Warrants – Old outstanding checks/deposits 2012 – Carrol Evans made a motion to approve the cancellation of warrants from 2012. Seconded by Brad Deal. The motion passed 5-0.
2.) Mowing Bids – Mowing bids were opened for lawn maintenance of cemetery properties owned by the City of Brazil. Turf Brothers Lawn Care presented a bid of $11,400 for Old Hill and $8,400 for Cottage Hill. The total bid is $19,800. This will include 18 cuts at Old Hill and 18 cuts at Cottage Hill. Tyler Hutcheson made a motion to accept the bid from Turf Brothers Lawn Care for $19,800 to mow Old Hill and Cottage Hill for 2015, as the lowest and only bid. Seconded by Brad Deal. The motion passed 5-0.
1.) Carrol Evans had a call from a resident who is concerned about parking on an S curve on South Alabama St. People are parking on both sides of the street, and it causes a visibility issue for drivers. Carrol is recommending that new “No Parking” signs be placed.
2.) Ann Bradshaw suggested painting yellow curbs to express no parking on the west side of Alabama St.
3.) Brad Deal would also like to see curbs painted yellow north of Pinkley on Alabama St, 15 feet from Pinkley on the east and west sides of the road. Brad would also like to see the sign replaced at the corner of Ashley St. and National Ave. Ann Bradshaw stated that the corner of Central Ave. and Depot St. also needs a new sign.
4.) Tyler Hutcheson would like to have the parking situation looked into at the American Legion on Depot St. Tyler would also like to know if there is any information about combining the City Dispatch with the County Dispatch. Mayor Wyndham gave the Council Members information on the discussions that have been happening.
Brad Deal made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Carrol Evans. Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 6:46 p.m.
Ann Bradshaw Date
Brad Deal Date
Carrol Evans Date
Tyler Hutcheson Date
Michelle Harden-Price Date