FOR JUNE 14, 2023
A meeting of the Common Council was held on June 14, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. in Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
PRAYER: Prayer was led by Steve Bell.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Brian Wyndham and Council Members, Karen Boes, Steve Bell, Angie Modesitt and Shane Litz. Brad Deal was absent.
- City Attorney Traci Orman, Clerk- Treasurer Karen McQueen, Fire Department Union President Zach Mormans, Frank Phillips with DLC Media, a representative from the Brazil Times, Jim Holtel HR Director with Indiana Powder Coating and Diane Powell representative for US Senator Todd Young.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Steve Bell made a motion to approve the May 10, 2023 and the June 5, 2023 Minutes, seconded by Karen Boes. Motion Passed 4-0.
AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Diane Powell introduced herself to the council members as the representative for US Senator Todd Young.
- Air Evac: Mayor Brian Wyndham explained to council that the council could opt to allow City of Brazil employees to set up a payroll deduction to pay for there own Air Evac Coverage. Mayor Brian Wyndham explained that the city would set up 2 times for enrollment into the program. Council members unanimously agreed to allow Mayor Brian Wyndham to set this up for employees.
- Ordinance 7-2023: Rezoning of 1831 E Knight Street (R2 to T) Greg and Troy Sanders – Plan Commission made the recommendation to rezone property. Shane Litz made a motion to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance 7-2023 on the first reading, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motion Passed 4-0. Shane Litz then made a motion to approve Ordinance 7-2023, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motion Passed 4-0.
- Indiana Powder Coating Tax Abatement: Jim Holtel HR Director was present to answer any questions that council may have about the tax abatement.
- Real Property, Resolution 2 – 2023: There was a favorable recommendation from the Plan Commission. Steve Bell made a motion to approve a 7 year Real Property tax abatement, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motion Passed 4-0.
- Personal Property, Resolution 3-2023: There was a favorable recommendation from the Plan Commission. Steve Bell made a motion to approve 10 year Personal Property tax abatement, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motion Passed 4-0.
- CF-1s:
- Britt Tool, Compliance of tax abatements: 2018 -4 (Personal Property), 2017 – 7 (Personal Property), and 2017 – 6 (Real Property): Shane Litz made a motion for Britt Tool and the above noted tax abatements to be in substantial compliance, seconded by Karen Boes. Motion Passed 4-0.
- Indiana Powder Coating/Owen County Real Estate, Compliance of tax abatements: 2021 – 3 (Personal Property) and 2021 – 2 (Real Property): Shane Litz made a motion for Indiana Powder Coating/Owen County Real Estate and the above noted tax abatements to be in substantial compliance, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion Passed 4-0.
- Davis Zeller, Compliance of tax abatements: 2015-16 (Real Property) – 18 W Blaine, 305 N Alabama, 420 E Darley, 503 W Kruzan, 704 S Depot, 914 S Walnut and 5-2021 (Real Property) – 115 W National Avenue, 202 N Washington: Shane Litz made a motion for Davis Zeller and the above noted tax abatements to be in substantial compliance, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motion Passed 4-0.
- Brazil Public Library Appointment: Karen Boes made a motion to reappoint City Attorney Traci Orman to the Brazil Public Library Board, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motion Passed 4-0.
- Resolution 4-2023 Amending ARPA Plan:
Project 1 – US 40 Water Line Relocation $654,398.00
Project 2 – Full Time and Part-Time Employee Bonuses $227,502.00
Project 3 – Police Vehicles $400,000.00
Project 4 – Stormwater Project $250,000.00
Project 5 – Street Department Vehicles $120,000.00
Project 6 – Forest Park Pool $50,000.00
Project 7 – Sand and Salt Building $91,297.83
Project 8 – Vehicle Decals $18,000.00
Steve Bell made a motion to approve Resolution 4-2023 Amending ARPA Plan,seconded by Shane Litz. Motion Passed 4-0.
- Resolution 1-2023 – Closing of Funds: Karen Boes made a motion to approve Resolution 1-2023, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motion Passed 4-0.
Karen Boes – Presented Council with a Chicken Coop Application for 508 Ringo Drive. Karen Boes confirmed to council that the application was in compliance of the city ordinance. Angie Modsitt made a motion to approve Chicken Coop at 508 Ringo Drive, seconded by Shane Litz. Motion Passed 4-0.
Shane Litz – Commented on how nice the new shelter for the Rotary looked at Forest Park.
Mayor Brian Wyndham stated that the Joink Project has caused a lot of complaints, however stated that he feels Joink will come back and fix all issues that have been reported. Mayor Brian Wyndham also commented that the US HWY 40 Water Main relocation was complete as well as the Phosphorus Building. Finally, Mayor Brian Wyndham stated how well Industry in the City was going and he appreciated the growth.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: nextCouncil Meeting July 12, 2023 @ 5 pm.
ADJOURNMENT: Steve Bell made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Shane Litz. Motionpassed 4-0. Meeting adjourned @ 5:45 p.m.