A meeting of the Common Council was held on FEBRUARY 8, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. in Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Brian Wyndham and Council Members Shane Litz, Karen Boes, Brad Deal, Steve Bell and Angie Modesitt.
The Pledge to the American Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
- Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, City Attorney Traci Orman, City of Brazil Fire Department Union President Zach Mormans, and Frank Phillips with DLC Media.
PRAYER: The Prayer was led by Steve Bell
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Shane Litz made a motion to approve January 11, 2023, Council Minutes, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion Passed 4-1. Angie Modesitt abstained.
- Common Council BZA Appointment (Mike McClellan) – Brad Deal made a motion to reappoint Mike McClellan to the BZA Board, seconded by Karen Boes. Motion was Passed 5-0.
- Ordinance 2-2023, amending Ordinance 10-2022 (Golf Salary) – No change to the Director of Golf Salary, however changed Assistant Club House Manager from full-time to part-time. Also, Laborer’s pay range was changed from $10.00 – $16.00 to $12.00 – $16.00. Brad Deal made a motion to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance 2-2023 on the first reading, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motion passed 5-0. Brad Deal then made a motion to approve Ordinance 2-2023, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motion Passed 5-0.
- Ordinance 3-2023: Rezoning 8585 North Murphy (R1 to R2) – Resident building pole barn behind home. Rezoning of pole barn has been through Plan Commission and was approved. There was also no remonstrance after the public hearing of rezoning was published in the newspaper. Brad Deal made a motion to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance 3-2023 on the first reading, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion Passed 5-0. Brad Deal then made a motion to approve Ordinance 3-2023, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion Passed 5-0.
- Steve Bell – Stated that the one-year anniversary from our visit with the Brazil, South American Ambassador was quickly approaching. Steve would like to have a professional picture taken of the fountain and then have the picture framed and sent to the Ambassador. Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen stated that this could be paid for out of The City of Brazil’s promotional budget line. Steve would also like to see the old buildings in the downtown area maintained better than they are currently. Mayor Brian Wyndham stated that the owners of some of the buildings have been sent letters concerning the condition of the said buildings.
- Shane Litz – Stated that he agreed with others’ concerns about the old buildings in the downtown area being blighted. Shane also feels that government can only get involved to a certain extent and that most of the maintenance would fall to the owners of the buildings. Shane stated as city officials we need to encourage maintenance on these buildings.
- Karen Boes – Stated that her and her husband are so glad that the City of Brazil continues to evolve.
- Brad Deal – Stated that he is impressed with the progress on the old City of Brazil garage.
- Angie Modesitt – Asked for an update on the Baby Box. Angie also stated that she was glad to be back after being absent from council. Finally, Angie would like for the City of Brazil to look into another potential Façade Grant or a Historical Grant for the downtown district of the City of Brazil. Mayor Brian Wyndham stated that the city is currently looking into Small Business Grants. Mayor Brian Wyndham stated that the city would be the pass through for this grant.
City Attorney Traci Orman informed council members that she would like them to look over the City of Brazil’s current Noise Ordinance specifically the section concerning the penalty for excessive noise. Traci will send council samples via email.
Mayor Brian Wyndham – stated that the City of Brazil was recently designated as an Urban Community. Mayor Brian Wyndham also stated that he hoped that this new designation would open the City of Brazil up for future grants. One grant Mayor Wyndham would like to see the City of Brazil receive would be for transportation.
Mayor Brian Wyndham then explained to council that the Brazil City Parks Splash Pad would be opening bid packets for the Splash Pad on February 22nd. Mayor Brain Wyndham explained that 5 different contractors had picked up packets. Mayor Brian Wyndham explained that the City of Brazil is currently hoping for bids around $550,000.00, the 2020 Construction Bond would cover $250,000.00, the State of Indiana Grant would match $250,000.00 and then the Parks Department would use $50,000.00 of cash reserves to complete the project.
Mayor Brian Wyndham also updated the council on the movement of the Water Main on US Hwy 40. He explained that there have been some obstacles, however everything continues to move forward on the project and should be completed soon.
Mayor Brian Wyndham finally discussed with council the payment for the ADA Compliances Plan that the City of Brazil was required to complete. Mayor Brian Wyndham explained that the cost of the ADA Plan was going to be roughly $86,950.00 and he would like approval to pay for ADA Plan. Mayor Brian Wyndham also discussed with council the payment for the recodification of City of Brazil Records by American Legal. Mayor Brian Wyndham stated that the cost would be roughly $16,500.00 and would like the approval to pay this expense as well. Shane Litz made a motion to approve the payments for both the ADA Plan and the recodification of records, seconded by Brad Deal. Motion Passed 5-0.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: next Council Meeting March 8, 2023 @ 5 pm.
ADJOURNMENT: Brad Deal made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned @ 5:35 p.m.