A meeting with the Board of Public Works was held on September 13, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Wyndham, Ruthann Jeffries, Linda Messmer, Deputy Clerk Melissa Dorsett, City Attorney Traci Orman
OTHERS PRESENT: Wastewater Superintendent Billy Goodrich, Planning and Zoning Administrator Janet McClellan, Fire Chief Jake Bennett, Council Member Steve Bell, Brazil Times Representative Pete Wilson, Oscar Sison, Vicki Lawhorn, Daniel Rose
PLEDGE: The pledge to the Flag was led by Mayor Wyndham.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 23, 2017; Linda Messmer made a motion to approve; seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 3-0.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Chief Jake Bennett
- 36 calls for service in August including house fire at 716 S. Leavitt Street and 909 N. Mary Patton Drive.
- Firefighters attended first responders’ breakfast at Forest Park Elementary, and were present for Fishing Fun Day to support the City Parks Department.
- Firefighters set up the City’s Garrison Flag and attended the 9/11 memorial at Forest Park Pavilion.
- Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus underwent annual flow testing.
- Consolidated Fleet Services performed annual ladder testing.
- Firefighters are currently conducting annual Hydrant testing and flushing throughout the City and should be complete by September 22nd.
- Linda Messmer asked what happens when fire happens by a non working hydrant. Chief Bennett explained that the lead engine has 1000 gallons of water and also hoses are long enough to reach other hydrants. Chief Bennett explained that the Water Department has been replacing hydrants and is making great progress.
- Oscar Sison – Water Adjustment – Oscar Sison is the owner of a building at the corner of Walnut and National Ave. Sison was present to ask for an adjustment on his water bill due on 9/11/17. He explained that a tenant had removed sinks and that the water supply had not been properly shut off which caused a leak. Mr. Sison has since had a plumber fix all of the issues. Mr. Sison has had two previous adjustments in 2017. Mayor Wyndham said that we need to table the adjustment until the next month’s bill is ready so that we can discuss an adjustment for both months.
- Mowing List – (see attached list)- Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve the mowing list for 9/12/17; seconded by Linda Messmer. The motion passed 3-0.
- Approval of Invoice from GAI – 2017 Paving –Community Crossings– GAI Consultants is the firm monitoring the paving project. City Attorney Traci Orman gave an update of the paving schedule for the next two weeks. Detailed milling and paving will resume. Linda Messmer made a motion to approve invoice #2115207 for Professional Services from June 18, 2017 to July 15, 2017 for $6205.00 and invoice #2116245 for Professional Services from July 16, 2017 to August 12, 2017 for $1,690.00; seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 3-0.
- Approval of Purchase Agreement regarding Duke Building- The City would like to purchase the old Duke Energy Brazil Field Office, located on West National Avenue (Parcel Nos. 11-02-36-400-282.000-002 and 11-02-36-400-231.000-002). After negotiations, the City and Duke have reached a purchase price of $140,000. Linda Messmer made a motion to approve the Contract to Sell the Duke Energy Brazil Field Office to the City of Brazil for a purchase price of $140,000; seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 3-0. Linda Messmer asked about the plans for the building. Mayor Wyndham said that plans are to relocate the Police Department to the building and eventually the Utilities’ Office.
- Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Clay County Senior Citizens – Bob DeCamp had previously approached the Council to ask for funding from the City for the Clay County Senior to help with transportation costs. DeCamp explained in previous Council meetings that they have lost some funding through the United Way this year. Council has agreed to give $4000 for the 2017 year. Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Brazil through its Board of Public Works and Safety and the Senior Citizens of Clay County for $4000 to supplement their 2017 budget for transportation costs; seconded by Linda Messmer. The motion passed 3-0.
- Clerk – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve; seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 3-0.
- Utilities – Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve; seconded by Linda Messmer. The motion passed 3-0.
ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ruthann Jeffries; seconded by Linda Messmer. The motion passed 3-0. Meeting was adjourned at 10:51 a.m.