A meeting with the Board of Public Works was held on November 12, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Wyndham, Linda Messmer, Ruthann Jeffries, City Attorney Traci Orman, Deputy Clerk Melissa Dorsett
OTHERS PRESENT: Planning and Zoning Administrator Teresa Glenn, Eric Somheil, Attorney, Roy Kellar, Brazil Times Representative Frank Phillips
PLEDGE: The pledge to the Flag was lead by Mayor Wyndham.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve minutes from September 28, 2015, seconded by Mayor Wyndham. The motion passed 2-0. Linda Messmer made a motion to approve minutes from October 28, 2015, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 2-0. Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve minutes from the Executive Meeting on November 5, 2015, seconded by Linda Messmer. The motion passed 3-0.
- Knightsville – Amendment to Contract for Water Services and Memorandum of Understanding as to Meter Vaults and Meters – Eric Someheil, Attorney, was present to discuss the contract between the Town of Knightsville and the City of Brazil. The Town of Knightsville has been approved for grant money and will be obtaining additional financing through the United States of America, acting through Rural Development of the USDA, for improvements to the water distribution system of the Town of Knightsville, to take place in early 2016. Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve the Amendment to Contract for Water Services from the City of Brazil to the Town of Knightsville. Linda Messmer The motion passed 3-0.
Eric Someheil also discussed the Memorandum of Understanding as to Meter Vaults and Meters for the Water Services from the City of Brail to the Town of Knightsville. The City of Brazil and Knightsville entered into a Contract dated January 10, 2014 for Water Services from the City of Brazil to the Town of Knightsville. The Town of Knightsville has been approved for grant money and will have the responsibility for the costs of improvements to such meter vaults and meters owned by the City of Brazil. The City of Brazil will authorize Knightsville and its contractors and/or engineers to perform improvements to the meter vaults and meters for the water distribution system of Knightsville. Knightsville has already approved this Contract. Linda Messmer made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding as to Meter Vaults and Meters for the Water Services from the City of Brazil to the Town of Knightsville, Indiana. Ruthann Jeffries seconded. The motion passed 3-0.
- Centerpoint Waste Water Contract – Mayor Wyndham explained that in the past, the smaller communities have contracted out a Waste Water Superintendent, typically from Brazil. This allows for the Superintendent to use the City of Brazil’s equipment and lab for sampling and testing. This agreement will allow Brazil to provide services to Center Point in exchange for compensation of $12,000 per year. Linda Messmer made a motion to approve the Agreement for Services Between the City of Brazil, Indiana and Town of Center Point, Indiana. Ruthann Jeffries The motion passed 3-0.
- Notice to Proceed – Sign Grant – Planning and Zoning Administrator Teresa Glenn, discussed the Sign Grant that was started in 2011. The Sign Grant will help subsidize the replacement of Stop signs, Street signs and Yield signs to meet the new reflectivity standards. Teresa Glenn stated that we are now ready to proceed with the project and need to approve the Notice to Proceed for Construction Inspection Services. Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve the Notice to Proceed with the Sign Replacement Project within the City of Brazil, Construction Inspection Services, with HWC Engineering and payment of $13,589.34. Linda Messmer The motion passed 3-0.
- Approval for Clean Ups and Mowing – Teresa Glenn stated that Mr. Rocker of 3 W. Kruzan had been given an extension until 11/12/15 to clean up his property. Teresa Glenn stated that Mr. Rocker had made progress on the property and that the City appreciated what he has done. Teresa recommended that we keep an eye on the progress. Rocker was not present. Ruthann Jeffries also stated that we appreciate what Mr. Rocker has done to make improvements.
Ruthann Jeffries questioned how we determine which properties are to be on the clean up list, as to not discriminate against certain property owners. Mayor Wyndham stated that neighbor complaints generally help to make a decision, and that the City has always given opportunities for extensions for clean up.
City Attorney Traci Orman stated that the Council is currently working to tweak the Nuisance Ordinance and it may be 2016 before it is complete.
Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve the Clean Up list for November 12, 2015. Linda Messmer seconded. The motion passed 3-0.
A mowing list was not presented.
- Clerk’s Office – Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve. Linda Messmer The motion passed 3-0.
- Utilities’ Office – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve. Ruthann Jeffries The motion passed 3-0.
ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ruthann Jeffries; seconded by Linda Messmer. Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m. The motion passed 3-0.