A meeting with the Board of Public Works was held on September 27, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
The Pledge was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Brian Wyndham, Linda Messmer, Ruthann Jeffries, Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, and City Attorney Traci Orman
OTHERS PRESENT: Planning and Zoning Administrator Janet McClellan, Fire Chief Jake Bennett, Police Chief Clint McQueen, Police Assistant Chief Dennis Archer, Brazil Times Hayley Cooper, and Water Department Supt. Shawnette Szekely.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Linda Messmer made a motion to approve the minutes from September 13, 2023, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 3-0.
- Police Department – Full-Time Appointment Request of Tim Rudisel for October 6, 2023. Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve, seconded by Linda Messmer. Motion Passed 3-0. Chief Clint McQueen then reported his monthly report to Board of Works members (report attached to minutes). Chief Clint McQueen also stated that the department was continuing to wait on the new Dodge Durango’s purchased to be equipped.
- Fire Department – Chief Jake Bennett stated that the department’s new hire Caden Hayman was doing well. Chief Jake Bennett also stated that the fire department has started flushing hydrants around town.
- Water – Industrial Park Project, B&T Retainage, Final Pay Application – This has been recommended by Midwestern Engineers. Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve the Final Pay Application by B&T, seconded by Linda Messmer. Motion Passed 3-0.
- Streets – Community Crossings 2022-2, Milestone Payment Application – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve the Milestone Payment Application, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. Motion Passed 3-0.
- Public Facilities Grant (OCRA) – Jerrell Consulting Contract and Jerrell Consulting Invoice – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve both Jerrell Consulting Contract and Jerrell Consulting Invoice, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. Motion Passed 3-0.
- Wastewater –
- Agreement with Town of Spencer to operate WWTP (modification)– Modification would remove the need for Workers Comp Coverage – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve modification of the agreement between the Town of Spencer Indiana and the City of Brazil Wastewater Contract, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. Motion Passed 3-0.
- OCRA Construction Project: Plant Bros. Pay Application #2 – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve the Plant Bros Pay Application #2, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. Motion Passed 3-0.
- Resolution 5-2023, Authorizing the Street Sweeper Lease and the approval for the Mayor and the Clerk Treasurer to sign any documents needed to finalize the lease – Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve Resolution 5-2023 and for the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer to sign any documents needed to finalize the lease with the Street Sweeper, seconded by Linda Messmer. Motion Passed 3-0.
- Parks – Splash Pad Project, Change Order #2 – Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve the change order #2 with Peterson and Company pertaining to the Splash Pad, seconded by Linda Messmer. Motion Passed 3-0.
- US 40 Water Project – Van Hoy Pay Application has not been recommended by Midwestern Engineering. Van Hoy Pay Application will not be presented to the Board at this time.
- Planning and Zoning
- Clean Ups (see attached list) – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve the Clean Up List for September 27, 2023, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 3-0.
- Unsafe Building – 517 N Indiana St. – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve Unsafe Order of 517 N. Indiana St., seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. Motion Passed 3-0.
- Clerk’s Office – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve the claims from the Clerk’s Office, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 3-0.
- Utilities’ Office – Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve the claims from the Utilities’ Office, seconded by Linda Messmer. The motion passed 3-0.
- The next Board of Works meeting will be on October 11, 2023.
ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ruthann Jeffries seconded
by Linda Messmer The motion passed 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 10:23 a.m.