FOR JANUARY 11, 2023
A meeting with the Board of Public Works was held on January 11, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Ruthann Jeffries.
Pledge was led by Ruthann Jeffries.
ROLL CALL: Ruthann Jeffries, Linda Messmer, Deputy Clerk Melissa Dorsett, City Attorney Traci Orman (Mayor Wyndham was absent.)
OTHERS PRESENT: Fire Chief Jake Bennett, Fire Union President Zach Mormans, Brazil Times Representative Nick Wilson, Daniel Rose
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Linda Messmer made a motion to approve the minutes from December 28, 2022, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 2-0.
ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING: Linda Messmer made a motion to hold meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall for the entire 2023 year, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 2-0.
- Police Union Addendum to Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2021-2023 – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve the Addendum to the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Brazil and the Fraternal Order of Police Clay County Lodge #114, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 2-0. This codifies the changes to the Salary Agreement, which have already been approved by Council.
- Fire Union Memorandum of Understanding – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding which states that the City of Brazil will add a $30/month phone stipend for fire employees starting in 2023 and to approve the addition of the fire employees to the stipend, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 2-0.
- Jerrell Consulting Invoice 1 of 2 for IOCRA Stormwater Project (Round 1-2022) for $31,000 – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve invoice 1 of 2 from Jerrell Consulting & Grant Administration Services, LLC for $31,800 for Grand Administration and Labor Standards associated with the ICORA Stormwater Project Round 1-2022, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 2-0. Invoice will be paid out of Stormwater and is part of the local match.
- Van Hoy Invoice Pay App No. 2 ($126,160.00) Water Main Relocation Project on US 40 – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve Pay App. No. 2 from Van Hoy & Sons Contracting, Inc. for work completed on the Raw Water Main Relocation Project on US 40, for $126,160.00, seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 2-0. Invoice is paid out of ARP (American Rescue Plan) Funds.
- Clerk’s Office – Linda Messmer made a motion to approve the claims from the Clerk’s Office; seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 2-0.
- Utilities’ Office – Ruthann Jeffries a motion to approve the claims from the Utilities’ Office; seconded by Linda Messmer. The motion passed 2-0.
- The next Board of Works meeting will be on January 25, 2023.
ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Linda Messmer seconded
by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 2-0. Meeting was adjourned at 10:18 a.m.