FOR JULY 10, 2019
A meeting of the Common Council was held on July 10, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Steve Bell, Roy Kellar, Shane Litz, Angie Modesitt, Brad Deal and Mayor Brian Wyndham.
The Pledge to the Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
Prayer was led by Roy Kellar
OTHERS PRESENT: City Attorney Traci Orman, Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, and Frank Phillips with the Brazil Times.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Steve Bell made a motion to approve the May 8, 2019 minutes, seconded by Roy Kellar. The motion passed 4-0. Brad Deal was absent.
- Frank Phillips – stated that he thought the 4 way stop sign at Vandalia and Jackson Street was working smoothly and was a great decision.
- Approval of CF-1s
- Britt Aero/Britt Tool (Personal Property) – Brad Deal made a motion to approve Resolution 7-2014, seconded by Steve Bell. Passed 5-0.
- Britt Aero/Britt Tool (Personal Property) – Brad Deal made a motion to approve Resolution 2-2016, seconded by Steve Bell. Passed 5-0.
- Britt Aero/Britt Tool (Personal Property) – Brad Deal made a motion to approve Resolution 7-2017, seconded by Steve Bell. Passed 5-0.
- Britt Aero/Britt Tool (Personal Property) – Brad Deal made a motion to approve Resolution 4-2018, seconded by Steve Bell. Passed 5-0.
- Ordinance 9-2019 – Ordinance Authorizing Traffic Signs for Regulation of Golf Carts – Signs would be located at 4 locations as you enter the City of Brazil, one at North HWY 59, one at South HWY 59, One at East HWY 40 and one at West HWY 40. Brad Deal made a motion to approve Ordinance 9-2019 on the first reading, seconded by Steve Bell. Passed 5-0. Brad Deal made a motion to approve Ordinance 9-2019, seconded by Steve Bell. Passed 5-0.
Mayor Brian Wyndham stated that the City of Brazil is preparing to apply for another round of the Community Crossings Grant. Mayor Brian Wyndham also stated that the Façade Grant bids came in extremely high and the City is going to re-bid these properties. Mayor Brian Wyndham wanted council to know that the Façade Grant will go on. Mayor Brian Wyndham also stated that he spoke with Jim Bosley Director of New Hope and he commented that the Davis building was fully occupied, and the Old Junior High School was filling up. Mayor Brian Wyndham also stated that Mr. Jim Bosley said that he would like to do more investing in Brazil. Finally, Mayor Brian Wyndham stated that the Police Station was coming along nicely. He also stated that HVAC and Flooring was left to do out there.
- Angie Modesitt stated that in front of the Jim Deal Law Office she pulled some weeds and part of the brick on sidewalk messed up.
- Steve Bell wanted council to know that he has been out picking up trash around the City of Brazil.
- Roy Kellar stated that the residents in Edgewood that he has spoke with were very happy about the paving in Edgewood.
- Brad Deal stated that he had also talked with residents in the City of Brazil who are happy with the paving of roads.
ADJOURNMENT: Roy Kellar made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Angie Modesitt. The motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m.