FOR June 6, 2017
A meeting of the Brazil Park Board was held on June 6, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Carrol Evans.
ROLL CALL: President Carrol Evans, Vice President Brian Bemis, Zach Stultz Treasurer and Secretary Janet McClellan
The Pledge to the Flag was led by Carrol Evans
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Brian made a motion to pass minutes from May 9, 2017; seconded by Zach. The motion passed 4-0.
TREASURER REPORT: Will have a treasurer report next meeting
As of April 2017:
Ending Balance- $177,693.70
Total Expenses- $10,490.58
Remaining Non-Reverting balance-$
As of May 2017:
Ending Balance-$157,018.88
Total Expenses-$20,674.82
PARK SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Marv Moon presented the report.
Report as follows:
- Replaced sight glass on pool backwash system.
- Installed acid pump in chemical room at pool.
- Trimmed entire campground at Craig Park.
- Replaced 2 lights at dome of band shell.
See Attached for the remaindered of items.
- Memorial Uren- Ivy Jacobs wants to plant a memorial Uren in the park with a tree. French Funeral Home would be responsible for the ashes and Ivy’s family for the tree. We need to talk to Traci Orman, City Attorney, to see if we can do the burials in the park. Carrol to talk to Traci.
- Baby Shower-Carrol has a customer that wants to light off fireworks in the park for a baby shower. Fire Chief Jake Bennett said that State law reads that the person needs to be on their own property or grant premise for them to left off the fireworks on city property. They Park Board said no to fireworks shooting in the air but fountain and sparklers are ok.
- Park Shelter Rules and Regulations-Printed out copies. Tabled until next month after board reviews the rules and regulations. In the mean time, Janet will come up with form for City of Brazil employees will get discount on shelter rentals.
- Summer Concerts- Janet said there were around 200 people that attended the concert. Brazil Main Street did very well in the concession stand.
- Drainage- Brian said the project is complete but the horseshoe area. The catch basins are ready to go. The whole project will be completed by June 9.
Janet said there is a group of ladies, around 9 or more, that are playing tennis 2-3 times a week at the park. But we still need to move towards putting 2 more pickle ball courts in. Carrol is looking into more pickle ball courts. Carrol said that Marsha from GAI would like to start the ADA study. Carrol is working on pricing. Janet said that the Comp Plan for the City is taking shape but there are tasks to be completed by different groups. The Park Board has a task that will need to be reviewed next year. Janet asked if Carrol could over see the task. Carrol agreed. Task will be kept in the Secretary binder.
ADJOURNMENT: Janet made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Brian. Motion passed 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m.
Janet McClellan Date
Park Board Secretary