FOR April 11, 2017
A meeting of the Brazil Park Board was held on April 11, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Carrol Evans.
ROLL CALL: President Carrol Evans, Vice President Brian Bemis, Treasurer Zach Stultz and Secretary Janet McClellan
The Pledge to the Flag was led by Carrol Evans
Special Meeting for 5yr Plan At 6:01pm: Carrol and Zach presented the 5yr plan to the Park Board. It is moving document for all City Parks. This will need to be approved by the Park Board, then moves to City Council for approval. Once approved, it will be submitted to DNR. Janet made a motion to accept the 5yr plan as written. Brian Bemis Second. The motion passed 4-0. Special Meeting closed at 6:05pm.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Brian made a motion to pass minutes from March 14, 2017; seconded by Zach. The motion passed 4-0.
As of Jan. 2017:
Ending Balance- $188,184.28
Total Expenses- $7,580.95
Remaining Non-Reverting balance-$27,333.80
PARK SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Marv Moon presented the report.
Report as follows:
- Rest rooms at Forest Park and Craig Park have been opened for the season.
- All overflows and waterways at Forest Park have been cleaned and debris removed from them.
- Craig Park ponds have had debris removed from edges and dam.
- New water lines have been installed in parts of concession stand and restroom area.
See Attached for the remaindered of items.
AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Cindi Monds is speaking for the Parks Association. Cindi set up committees for the Parks Association. Tom Reberger is handling the bridge for Craig Park. IN Landmarks have some bridges in storages. Greene Co Bridge fell through. There is a possibility for the Jeffers Bridge or a Railcar. If all of this falls through, we will purchase material to make a bridge over the dam. Also Phil Redenbarger is looking over the engineer study for the fountain. More info to come at next meeting. Also the Parks Association would like to pursue a grant from the United Way to cut down 30 dead trees at Forest Park. Park Board said that would be great.
- Beverage Contract- Carrol does not like either contract. Carrol asked Coke and Pepsi about the terms of their contracts. Pepsi said they will make the changes to their contract but cannot change the 5 yr term. Coke said the contract stays as is. But Bill said they will not charge us for the cases we did not sell if we sign the new contract. Carrol called for vote. Vote for Coke 0. Vote for Pepsi 4. Pepsi will make the changes and bring by the contract to have the City Attorney to approve. Once the City Attorney approves, Carrol will sign the contract.
- 5 Year Plan- Already discussed in special meeting.
- Recreational Director- Marv said that William Woolery is interested in this position and setting up committees in different areas for our Parks. William has a degree in Recreational Management. Zach said that John Day is interested in helping. Marv will try to have William at our next board meeting.
- Summer Concerts- Janet said that all summer concerts concession stand are full. We have Brazil Main Street, Christmas in the Park, Clay Youth Food Program, and Be Nice Be Kind.
Shane Lunsford is singing on May 20. Monkey Pie is singing on June 17. Still need 2 more bands for July and Aug. Marv and I are working on this. Zach said if this builds he could see where we pay bands in the future.
Carrol said that the beverage contract was very hard to decide. Bill Osburn is a very nice man and has respect for him. Pepsi commented that Bill is very respectful. Carrol said we have to do what is best for the Parks and our community.
ADJOURNMENT: Zach made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Janet. Motion passed 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m.