FOR JUNE 14, 2017
A meeting of the Common Council was held on June 14, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Steve Bell, Roy Kellar, Shane Litz, Angela Modesitt, Mayor Wyndham; Brad Deal was absent.
The Pledge to the Flag was led by Mayor Wyndham.
OTHERS PRESENT: City Attorney Traci Orman, Deputy Clerk Melissa Dorsett, Atty. James Deal, Shelby Baker, Heather Wallace, Cameron Wallace, Frank Phillips of the Brazil Times
PRAYER was said by Angie Modesitt.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Angie Modesitt made a motion to approve minutes from April 14, 2017; seconded by Roy Kellar. The motion passed 4-0. Shane Litz made a motion to approve minutes from May 10, 2017; seconded by Steve Bell. The motion passed 3-0. Angie Modesitt abstained.
APPROVAL OF MEMORANDUM OF EXECUTIVE SESSION: Shane Litz made a motion to approve minutes from April 11, 2017; seconded by Roy Kellar. The motion passed 4-0.
1.) Resolution 5-2017 – Stormwater Planning Grant – The City of Brazil has applied for a Stormwater Planning Grant. The City will provide a 10% match of $4,000 from Wastewater Capital Improvement Funds and will receive $36,000 in grant money. Shane Litz made a motion to approve Resolution 5-2017: A Resolution Authorizing Application Submission and Local Match commitment; seconded by Angie Modesitt. The motion passed 4-0. Steve Bell asked how many OCRA grants we are allowed to have open. City Attorney Traci Orman explained that we are allowed to have three open, but the time frames of the others opening and closing will keep us in compliance.
2.) Morris Manufacturing CF-1s – 2008-6(real), 2012-10(personal), 2013-5(personal), 2015-3(personal), 2015-10(personal) – Shane Litz made a motion to find Morris Manufacturing in substantial compliance with their CF-1s for 2017; seconded by Roy Kellar. The motion passed 4-0. Steve Bell would like to hear from Morris Manufacturing for a further explanation about employment numbers. Mayor Wyndham will be contacting them.
3.) Timberland CF-1s – 2015-14(personal), 2016-8(personal) – Shane Litz made a motion to find Timberland in substantial compliance with their CF-1s for 2017; seconded by Steve Bell. The motion passed 4-0.
4.) IVC CF-1s – 2009-15(personal) – Shane Litz made a motion to find IVC in substantial compliance with their CF-1s for 2017; seconded by Steve Bell. The motion passed 4-0.
5.) Britt Aero/Britt Tool CF-1s – 2014-7(personal), 2013-13(personal), 2016-2(personal) – Shane Litz made a motion to find Britt Aero in substantial compliance with their CF-1s for 2017; seconded by Angie Modesitt. The motion passed 4-0.
6.) Ordinance 3-2017: Petition to Vacate Alley (near 202 N. Washington) – Atty. James Deal was present on behalf of New Hope Services, Inc.to discuss vacation of an alley near the old Jr. High building recently purchased by New Hope. Shane Litz made a motion to suspend the rules and pass on 1st reading; seconded by Roy Kellar. The motion passed 4-0. Shane Litz made a motion to adopt Ordinance 3-2017; seconded by Steve Bell. The motion passed 4-0.
7.) Ordinance 4-2017: Petition to Vacate Alley (near 18 W. Blaine) – This is a BEP property that has been transferred to New Hope Services, Inc. Roy Kellar made a motion to suspend rules and pass on 1st reading; seconded by Shane Litz. The motion passed 4-0. Steve Bell made a motion to adopt Ordinance 4-2017; seconded by Shane Litz. The motion passed 4-0.
8.) Ordinance 5-2017- Re-establishing Cumulative Capital Development Fund (CCD) – City Attorney Traci Orman explained that there was a recent change in the law that allows for the tax levy to not exceed .0500. The rate has been .043 in recent years. A Public Hearing was opened at 5:15. The Public Hearing was closed at 5:16. Steve Bell made a motion to suspend the rules to pass on 1st reading; seconded by Angie Modesitt. The motion passed 4-0. Roy Kellar made a motion to pass Ordinance 5-2017; seconded by Steve Bell. The motion passed 4-0.
• Shane Litz commented that these businesses reviewed are growing and are so important in our community and we want to continue to support them.
• Steve Bell discussed the Comprehensive Plan and urged Council Members to take action and get involved in projects and reminded everyone that this is a step toward more grants, and ultimately the Stellar Grant.
• Angie Modesitt was excited to see drainage started on Hendrix St. and looks forward to future paving
• City Attorney Traci Orman commented that the Parks Drainage Project is complete.
• Shane Litz commented that the Golf Course will be starting a drainage project.
MAYOR COMMENTS: Mayor Wyndham commented that he appreciates all of the people involved in the big projects going on.
ADJOURNMENT: Steve Bell made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Angie Modesitt. The motion passed 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.