FOR OCTOBER 14, 2015
A meeting of the Common Council was held on October 14, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Ann Bradshaw.
ROLL CALL: Ann Bradshaw, Carrol Evans, Tyler Hutcheson, Angela Modesitt. Mayor Wyndham and Brad Deal were absent: Also in attendance: Traci Orman, City Attorney and Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, Fire Chief Jake Bennett, Firefighter Raymond Staub, Firefighter Roy Kellar, Frank Phillips, Brazil Times, Eric Somheil, Atty., and Steve Bell.
The Pledge to the Flag was said.
PRAYER was said by Angela Modesitt
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 9, 2015, Tyler Hutcheson made a motion to approve minutes. Carrol Evans seconded. The motion passed 4-0.
- Fire Fighters–2016 Salary Schedule: Firefighter Raymond Staub was present regarding the Salary Schedule for Firefighters for 2016 and to receive signatures from the Council to the agreement between the Fire Department and the City.
- Resolution 2015-14 (Final Action): Timberland Tax Abatement- Carrol Evans made a motion to approve the Abatement Calculation and Resolution 2015-14. Tyler Hutcheson The motion passed 4-0.
- Ordinance 12-2015: An Ordinance Amending the Brazil City Code Annexing Certain Territory to Expand Corporate Limits to the City of Brazil (Gasway) (second reading) – Eric Somheil, Atty., was present to explain the Ordinance. Angela Modesitt made a motion to approve Ordinance 12-2015, an Ordinance Amending the Brazil City Code Annexing Certain Territory to Expand Corporate Limits of the City of Brazil. Caroll Evans The motion passed 4-0.
- Ordinance 13-2015: An Ordinance Requiring Structures to Have a Key Lock Box Installed on the Exterior of the Structure for Fire Safety Purpose (second reading) – Fire Chief Jake Bennett was present to discuss the need for key lock boxes on structures to expedite entry during an emergency, and to eliminate forced entries into structures. Angela Modesitt questioned the maintenance on boxes and the possibility of losing keys. Jake Bennett stated that the City will be checking on the boxes annually. The cost of the boxes will be between $350-400. Total cost will be under $1000.00 to purchase the box and have it installed. Tyler Hutcheson made a motion to approve Ordinance 13-2015: An Ordinance Requiring Structures to Have a Key Lock Box Installed on the Exterior of the Structure for Fire Safety Purpose. Carrol Evans The motion passed 4-0.
- Ordinance 15-2015: An Ordinance for Appropriations and Tax Rates (2016 Budget) – Tyler Hutcheson made a motion to suspend rules and pass on first reading. Angela Modesitt The motion passed 4-0. Angela Modesitt made a motion to pass Ordinance 15-2015: An Ordinance for Appropriations and Tax Rates. Carrol Evans seconded. The motion passed 4-0.
- Ordinance 11-2015: An Ordinance Fixing Salaries of Appointed Officers and Employees of the City of Brazil, Indiana for the Year 2016 – Carrol Evans made a motion to suspend the rules and pass on 1st Ann Bradshaw seconded. The motion passed 4-0. Tyler Hutcheson made a motion to approve Ordinance 11-2015. Angela Modesitt seconded. The motion passed 4-0.
- Ordinance 16-2015: An Ordinance Approving the Execution of a Second Supplement to Lease Agreement amending Exhibit B to the Lease between the Brazil Redevelopment Authority and the Clay County Redevelopment Commission – Angela Modesitt made a motion to suspend the rules and pass on 1st Tyler Hutcheson seconded. The motion passed 4-0. Carrol Evans made a motion to pass Ordinance 16-2015. Angela Modesitt seconded. The motion passed 4-0.
- Ordinance 17-2015: Ordinance approving the Lease between the Brazil Redevelopment Authority and the Clay County Redevelopment Commission, pledging certain revenues to the Clay County Redevelopment Commission to pay amounts due pursuant to the Lease, and matters related thereto – Carrol Evans made a motion to pass on 1st Angela Modesitt seconded. The motion passed 4-0.
- Halloween Trick or Treat Hours – The Council decided on Trick-or-Treat Hours for 2015. The hours will be from 6-9 p.m. on 10/30 and 6-9 p.m. on 10/31.
Carrol Evans would like to see a sidewalk on the eastside of Ringo Drive from Mechanic Street to Edgewood Drive.
Angela Modesitt stated that people have expressed interest in a $400,000 Downtown Revitalization Grant.
ADJOURNMENT: Carrol Evans made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Tyler Hutcheson. The motion passed 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 7:06.