FOR OCTOBER 27, 2021
A meeting of the Common Council was held on October 27, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Shane Litz, Brad Deal, Angie Modesitt, Karen Boes and Steve Bell.
The Pledge to the American Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
- Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, City Attorney Traci Orman, Brazil City Resident Tim Paulis, Brad Emmert with Timberland and Joey Bennett with the Brazil Times.
PRAYER was said by Karen Boes.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Karen Boes made a motion to approve the August 11, 2021 council minutes, seconded by Brad Deal. Motion passed 5-0.
Tim Paulis: Resident at 20 South Pine Street, City of Brazil wanted to talk with the council about some concerns that he has. First, he stated that he would like to see the alley behind Sarah Janes Restaurant maintained better. Mayor Wyndham stated that he will get a cost estimate on black topping the alley. Tim Paulis also stated that he would like to see the abandoned home on the corner of South Pine and Jackson Street tore down.
- 2022 Budget Adoption, Ordinance 23-2021 (2nd reading) – Brad Deal made a motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 23-2021, seconded by Karen Boes. Motion passed 5-0.
- Ordinance 18-2021 for the Mayor’s Salary 2022 (2nd reading) – Brad Deal made a motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 18-2021, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion passed 5-0.
- Ordinance 17-2021 for the Clerk’s Salary 2022 (2nd reading)– Brad Deal made a motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 17-2021, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion passed 5-0.
- Ordinance 19-2021 for the Council’s Salary 2022 (2nd reading)– Brad Deal made a motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 19-2021, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion passed 5-0.
- Ordinance 20-2021 for the Police Department Salaries 2022 (2nd reading) – Brad Deal made a motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 20-2021, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion passed 5-0.
- Ordinance 21-2021 for the Fire Department Salaries 2022 (2nd reading– Brad Deal made a motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 21-2021, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion passed 5-0.
- Ordinance 22-2021 for the Appointees and Employees’ Salary 2022 (2nd reading) – Brad Deal made a motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 22-2021, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion passed 5-0.
- Resolution 6-2021: Timberland Real Property Tax Abatement (Final Action and Abatement Calculation Agreement) – Shane Litz made a motion to approve second reading and final action on Resolution 6-2021, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion passed 5-0.
- Resolution 7-2021: Timberland Personal Property Tax Abatement (Final Action and Abatement Calculation Agreement) – Shane Litz made a motion to approve second reading and final action on Resolution 7-2021, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion passed 5-0.
- Resolution 5-2021: New Hope Attorney Michael Red was present to ask council to amend Resolution 5-2021’s original tax abatement to fix 2 properties tax abatements. Public Hearing for New Hope was opened up at 5:34 pm to discuss change of abatement. With no audience comments the Public Hearing for New Hope was closed at 5:35 pm. Shane Litz made a motion to amend the tax abatement for the 2021 tax year, pay 2022 for 5 years. City attorney Traci Orman will prepare amendment.
- Ordinance 24-2021: HSA Contribution 2020 & 2021 – Brad Deal made a motion to suspend the rules and approve Ordinance 24-2021 on the first reading, seconded by Shane Litz. Motion passed 5-0. Brad Deal then made a motion to approve Ordinance 24-2021, seconded by Shane Litz. Motion passed 5-0.
Shane Litz: Stated that he has received several emails and phone calls from concerned citizens regarding the new jail expansion. Shane explained that he communicated that the city council has no control over the new expansion. Shane also wanted to thank MVH Superintendent Brian Bemis for quickly patching the holes in the Saint Andrews Glenn area.
Steve Bell: Stated that he was contacted by a local letter carrier that she had been bit by 2 dogs in the City of Brazil area and would like to see something done about stray dogs in the city. Mayor Wyndham explained that if ownership can be established then our police officers can write tickets to the owners of the dogs and take other measures that need to be taken. Steve Bell also stated that he would like to see something done about the run-down business buildings in the downtown area of the City of Brazil.
MAYOR COMMENTS: Wanted to let council know that Verizon bored through the road and hit a City of Brazil Storm Water Drain and it is Verizon’s responsibility to fix drain. Mayor Wyndham also wanted council to know that he is currently negotiating with the gas company on getting a gas line ran to the new city garage which is almost complete.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Council Meeting scheduled for November 10, 2021.
ADJOURNMENT: Brad Deal made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Steve Bell. Motionpassed 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 5:52 p.m.