FOR JUNE 23, 2021
A meeting of the Common Council was held on June 23, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Steve Bell, Shane Litz, Brad Deal, Angie Modesitt and Karen Boes.
The Pledge to the American Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
- Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, City Attorney Traci Orman, Attorney Jim Deal, Golf Superintendent Troy Ferris, Brazil City Resident Robert Woolery, Brazil City Resident Don Hutchison and Bob DeCamp from WCEDD.
PRAYER was said by President Steve Bell.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Shane Litz made a motion to approve the May 26, 2021 minutes, seconded by Steve Bell. Passed 4-1. Angie Modesitt Abstained.
Don Hutchison: City of Brazil Resident who lives at the corner of Coal & Columbia Street, would like to see a 4-way stop sign there. He stated that he would like to see traffic slowed down. Mr. Hutchison went around to all his neighbors and received signatures of neighbors being in favor of the 4-way stop. Council would like to research location.
Robert DeCamp: Clay County bus service for seniors in Clay County was present to request from council $6,000.00 to help fund this program of bus service for seniors. Robert DeCamp explained that the $6,000.00 would help make up short falls in the budget for services. Shane Litz made a motion to approve giving $6,000.00, seconded by Karen Boes. Motion Approved 5-0. Additional Appropriation to come later.
- Council stated that they do not have a privacy fence and you can see coop from the road. Applicant is not in compliance with City Ordinance. Council would like to see Planning and Zoning Administrator Janet McClellan work with applicant to get them in compliance before they approve chicken coop. Chicken coop tabled.
- An ordinance to establish the ARP Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Grant Fund (Fund #178) – 2nd Reading – Shane Litz made a motion to approve second reading of Ordinance 8-2021, seconded by Karen Boes. Motion approved 5-0.
- 2021: resolution Establishing the Policy by which members of the Common Council may participate by electronic means of communication (Tabled from May 26, 2021 meeting) – Council decided to table Resolution 4-2021.
- Ordinance 15-2021: Petition for Vacation of alley (Robert Woolery) – Attorney Jim Deal was present to represent Robert Woolery. Steve Bell made a motion to suspendthe rules and pass Ordinance 15-2021 on the first reading, seconded by Brad Deal. Steve Bell then made a motion to pass Ordinance 15-2021, seconded by Brad Deal. Motion Approved 5-0.
- Troy Farris Forest Park Golf Course Superintendent was present to request from council between $30,000.00 – $35,000.00 for the Forest Park Golf Course. Council stated that they would like to table request until they have had time to research request. Council did decide to push $20,000.00 payment from the golf course to the city, back 60 days from July 1, 2021.
- Ordinance 16-2021: Rescinding Ordinance 11-2009 – Handicap sign to be removed at 212 North Ashley Street. Brad Deal made a motion to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance 16-2021, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Brad Deal made a motion to pass Ordinance 16-2021, second by Angie Modesitt. Motion Approved 5-0.
- Paving Map – City Attorney Traci Orman presented Paving Map of the city to Council Members.
Steve Bell – Stated his frustrations on property clean -up of a home on Indiana Street. He stated that the James family is trying to sell their house and has approached him with their concerns as well. Councilman Steve Bell would like to see the city clean-up process improved.
Brad Deal – Stated that brush needs removed at the corner of the streets Burns and Alabama, stop sign is covered up.
Next City Council Meeting scheduled for July 14, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: Steve Bell made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Karen Boes. Passed 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m.