A meeting with the Board of Public Works was held on February 10, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Wyndham, Linda Messmer, Ruthann Jeffries, City Attorney Traci Orman, Deputy Clerk Melissa Dorsett
OTHERS PRESENT: Planning and Zoning Administrator Teresa Glenn, Fire Chief Jake Bennett, Police Chief Clint McQueen, Street Supervisor Brian Bemis, Council Member Steve Bell, Council Member Roy Kellar, Brian Bullock of Midwestern Engineering, Larry Wallace, Ryan Wallace of Wallace Bros., Rick Layton of Covalen, John Boyer of B & T Drainage, Eric Wyndham, Van Baker, Molly Lehman, Danny Duckworth, Ronald King, Lena Whistler, Nancy White, Daniel Rose, Brazil Times Representative Frank Phillips
PLEDGE: The pledge to the Flag was lead by Mayor Wyndham.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Linda Messmer made a motion to approve January 27, 2016 minutes; seconded by Ruthann Jeffries. The motion passed 3-0.
AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Daniel Rose asked if we would be able to cover the new fire truck when we get a new firehouse. Fire Chief Jake Bennett explained that a Fire Feasibility Study was done for location and feasibility purposes. A new firehouse is estimated to cost $2.8 million. Mr. Rose suggested a canopy to cover the new fire truck.
- Chief McQueen asked for the Board of Works to appoint a new hire, Richard Criss. Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to appoint Richard Criss as a Brazil City Police Department Officer, with a starting date of February 22, 2016. Linda Mesmer The motion passed 3-0.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Chief Jake Bennett
- Chief Bennett presented a fire run report for January with a total of 71 runs.
- Linda Messmer asked about a fire in the Park. Chief Bennett said that it
was sticks or trash in a shelter and that the Police Department investigated and found the violators. Parks Superintendent Marv Moon was in the process of setting up community service at the Park for the violators.
- Chief Bennett said that the results of the ISO (Insurance Services Office) were in. This is a national review of fire departments that happens every 10 years. The City of Brazil has maintained a rating of 5, with 1 being the best score, and 10 being the worst. Chief Bennett said that this is a good rating for our City. Greencastle has a rating of 4. Chief Bennett will have a more detailed report at the next meeting.
1.) Water Adjustment-JD Burk – JD Burk passed away and always asks for a yearly winter adjustment on his wastewater bill for February, March and April. Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve the wastewater adjustment for JD’s Carwash bills due February, March and April, (retroactive through February). Linda Messmer seconded. The motion passed 3-0.
Rick Wyndham’s aunt Marjorie Anderson recently passed away and the estate is in the process of being transferred. Both of her children live out of state so Rick is present as Co-Executor of her estate. Rick would like to request the removal of late fees on her water bill for services from 12-14-15 to 1-14-16. Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to waive current late fees of $3.07 on Marjorie Anderson’s water bill account as well as any future fees that may incur until March 30, 2016. Linda Messmer seconded. The motion passed 3-0.
2.) Reduction in Wastewater Bill-Greenwood – Tammy Greenwood was present to ask for a 10% reduction in her wastewater bill due to the Greenwoods’ own removal of solids from their septic tank. Linda Messmer made a motion to accept the agreement for reduction in wastewater bill between the City of Brazil and Chris Greenwood with a 10% wastewater bill reduction every month. Ruthann Jeffries seconded. The motion passed 3-0.
3.) Nancy White for Lena Whistler-Remove Trash Fee – Nancy White explained that Lena Whistler was unable to get her trash to the curb and has been relying on friends and neighbors for help. She has hired a privateer to haul her trash and would like to request removal of trash service from her bill. Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to remove trash fees from Lena Whistler’s Utility bill for as long as Ms. Whistler is occupying her residence within City limits. Linda Messmer seconded. The motion passed 3-0.
4.) Cell Phone Reimbursement-Council Members – New Council Members are eligible for a $30/month cell phone reimbursement. Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to add new Council Members Steve Bell, Roy Kellar, Shane Litz and Angie Modesitt to the cell phone reimbursement list, paid the second payroll of every month. Linda Messmer seconded. The motion passed 3-0.
5.) Hollybrook-Water and Wastewater Bid Opening – Brian Bullock, Midwestern Engineering, was present to open bids for the Water and Wastewater Improvements for the Villas of Hollybrook. The following bids were opened:
- Atlas Excavating – Total- $567,087.00 – Alternate, $50,400.00
- B & T Drainage – Total- $483,300.00 – Alternate, $50,987.00
- Infrastructure Systems Inc. –Total- $450,956.00 – Alternate, $75,000.00
- Van Hoy & Sons Contracting– Total-$364,245.00 – Alternate, $48,000.00
Linda Messmer asked for an explanation of “addendum” and “alternate bids”. Brian Bullock explained that there are a few revisions and the bidders are acknowledging the changes. The alternate bid is for a new generator for the lift station.
Mayor Wyndham said that the bids will be taken under advisement and will be awarded within 90 days.
6.) Paving-Bid Opening – Two bids were received and opened for the 2016 Street Repaving Project.
- Wabash Valley Asphalt – Total – $1,253,922.00
Materials – HMA $179.78 per ton
PCCP $199.55 per sq. yd
Wedge/Level $83.49 per ton
- 2. Dave O’Mara – Total – $1,093,320.00
Materials – HMA $150.00 per ton
PCCP $250.00 per sq. yd
Wedge/Level $85.00 per ton
Mayor Wyndham said that the bids will be taken under advisement.
7.) 726/728 N. Meridian-Demolition Bid Opening – Two bids were received and opened for the demolition of property at 726/728 N. Meridian.
- Wallace Bros. – $43,000.00
- BP2Construction, LLP – $35,000.00
Mayor Wyndham stated that the bids will be taken under advisement.
- Clerk’s Office – Ruthann Jeffries made a motion to approve. Linda Messmer The motion passed 3-0.
- Utilities’ Office –Linda Messmer made a motion to approve. Ruthann Jeffries The motion passed 3-0.
ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ruthann Jeffries; seconded by Linda Messmer. Meeting adjourned at 10:42 a.m. The motion passed 3-0.