FOR MARCH 9, 2022
A meeting of the Common Council was held on March 9, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Brian Wyndham and Council Members Shane Litz, Karen Boes, Angie Modesitt, and Steve Bell. Brad Deal was absent.
The Pledge to the American Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
- Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, City Attorney Traci Orman, Brazil City Fire Department Union President Zach Mormans. Brazil City Police Department Assistant Chief Dennis Archer.
PRAYER was said by Steve Bell.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Shane Litz made a motion to approve December 22, 2021 minutes, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion passed 3-1. Angie Modesitt abstained. Shane Litz made a motion to approve February 9, 2022 minutes, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motion passed 4-0.
- Fireman Union – Zach Mormans, President of the Brazil City Fire Department Union was present to request an amendment to the current Brazil City Fire Departments Salary Ordinance. The cost of the change will come at roughly $16,000.00 for the 2022 year if the council decides to accept the changes requested. Request would change the existing ordinance to reflect a 6 year salary tier system. Councilman Shane Litz suggested that the tier system mirror the police department Salary Ordinance and new changes would go into effect the first payroll of July 2022 and would not be retroactive. Karen Boes seconded the suggestion. City Attorney Traci Orman will prepare an amended Salary Ordinance.
- Travel Policy (Res 11-2016) – Brazil City Police Department Dennis Archer requested that council increase the current food peridium from $10 per meal to be $15 per meal. Shane Litz made a motion for City Attorney Traci Orman to prepare an amended Resolution to reflect the request from Assistant Chief Dennis Archer, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion passed 4-0.
- Brazil City Park Board made a request to increase the Park Superintendent and the Park Supervisor’s hourly wage $1.00 per hour. Both the Park Superintendent and Park Supervisor have recently passed a pool certification and the board would like to see them receive more compensation. After consideration from the council, council requested that the City Attorney Traci Orman prepare an Ordinance to reflect both the Park Superintendent and the Park Supervisor receive a stipend of $300.00 each. The payment would be given in $100.00 increments for the second pay of June, July, and August of 2022.
- Shane Litz – Wanted to thank the Brazil City Street Department for all the patch work on the roads that they have done in the St. Andrews Glenn area.
- Angie Modesitt – Would like to see a One-Way Street for 1 block on McDonald Street from Meridian Street to Colfax Street. Council members commented that they will go look at area and then discuss this at a future meeting.
- Angie Modesitt – Stated that she has had complaints on a street cut on North Alabama Street that now appears to be a speed bump. Road needs fixed. Mayor Wyndham stated that he will have Street Superintendent Brian Bemis, investigate the street cut.
- Karen Boes – Inquired on a time frame for the new light being installed in Edgewood. Mayor Wyndham explained that Duke Energy would be getting to the light soon.
- Karen Boes – Stated that she would like to see the pothole fixed at the corner of South Alabama and Pinkley Street, near the entrance to Forest Park Elementary School.
MAYOR COMMENTS: Mayor Brian Wyndham stated that he would like to set a date to do a City Garage plaque dedication. Mayor Brian Wyndham also asked Council President Steve Bell to attend in his place, a visit from the Ambassador of Brazil South America. Mayor Brian Wyndham also briefly discussed the possibility of an expansion of utilities to the I-70 area.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: nextCouncil Meeting April 13, 2022 @ 5 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: Steve Bell made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motionpassed 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.