FOR MARCH 11, 2020
A meeting of the Common Council was held on March 11, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Steve Bell, Karen Boes, Brad Deal, Shane Litz, Angela Modesitt, and Mayor Brian Wyndham.
The Pledge to the American Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
- City Attorney Traci Orman and Clerk Treasurer Karen McQueen.
- Representatives from the American Legion – Commander Lonnie Boyce, Ladies Auxillary President Lori Knight, Steve Mackenzie., Mary Ann Mackenzie, Jim Archer, Kevin Smith, David Baysinger, Garry Miller, Selma Paver, Penny Hood, and Linda Rowe.
- Representatives from Safe Haven Baby Boxes – Mandy Shepard, Roy Smith and Chanel Cunningham.
- Brad Emmert – Timberland,
- MaryJo Archer – City of Brazil,
- Michael Downing – Resident,
- Ryan Brown – President Fire Fighters Local Union,
- Jim Coffenberry – West Central Indiana Economic Development District,
- Robert DeCamp – Clay County Senior Citizen Center, and
- Rick Anderson – Johnson Melloh Solutions.
PRAYER was said by Angie Modesitt.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Shane Litz made a motion to approve the February 19, 2020 minutes seconded by Steve Bell. The motion passed 5-0.
- Robert DeCamp with the Senior Citizen Center was present to ask Council to appropriate additional money to the senior citizen bus transportation that he runs through the Clay County Senior Citizen Center. Robert DeCamp requested $6,000.00, which is an increase from the $2000.00 which was provided in 2019. Shane Litz made a motion to approve giving the Clay County Senior Citizen Center $6000.00 for the year 2020, seconded by Karen Boes. Passed 5-0.
- Michael Downing City of Brazil Resident was present to compliment the City of Brazil’s Sewage Department for doing a great job on drainage by his home. He stated that the workers were very productive and hard working. Stated that they did a great job. Mr. Downing lives in the area known as Donaldsonville and owns properties on Jackson St. and Knight St.
- Ordinance 2-2020 Amending Ch. 74. Title VII, Schedule IV (no Parking on portion of Depot St.) – Members/Representatives from the American Legion were present to express their concerns and give their suggestions for Ordinance 2-2020. Lori Knight President of the Ladies Auxiliary stated that she felt like the American Legion was being singled out and it wasn’t fair to make no parking. Commander Lonnie Boyce Commander at the American Legion gave suggestions for three alternatives to Ordinance 2-2020. First alternative was to place a 4-way stop sign at the corner of Church and Depot street. The second alternative was to allow parking on the West side of Depot from US 40 to Church Street. The third alternative would allow for parking on the West side of Depot Street from US 40 to Church Street and allow parking on East side of Depot after the post office and before Church Street. After discussion by council they unanimously agreed to take Ordinance 2-2020 under advisement.
- Façade Grant – Attorney Orman and Mayor Wyndham explained that OCRA has given the City permission to move forward with less than all of the original property owners. This modification is a result of the bids coming in too high the three (3) times the City has bid it out. Karen Boes made a motion to re-obligate the Façade Grant Funds, seconded by Andgie Modesitt. Passed 5-0.
- Safe Haven Baby Boxes: Representatives were present to explain the need for Safe Haven Baby Box at the City of Brazil Fire Department and answer questions concerning the Safe Haven Baby Boxes. Council unanimously agreed that they would like to continue moving forward with the Safe Haven Baby Box. Angie Modesitt made a motion to continue moving forward with the process, seconded by Brad Deal. Passed 5-0. Brad Deal and Mayor Brian Wyndham will work with Representatives from Safe Haven Baby Boxes and Mandy Shepard on pinpointing a location for the box.
- Tax Abatements
(Real and Personal) –
- Final Action Resolution 2-2020: Real Property – Brad Deal made a motion to approve Final Action for Resolution 2-2020, Abatement Calculation Agreement; and the Real Property SB-1, seconded by Shane Litz. Passed 5-0.
- Final Action Resolution 3-2020: Personal Property – Brad Deal made a motion to approve Final Action on Resolution 3-2020, Abatement Calculation Agreement; and the Personal Property SB-1, seconded by Shane Litz. Passed 5-0.
- Resolution 6-2020: An Amendment to Resolution 6-2016 (Amending the Terms of the Golf Board Repayment Agreement) – It was discussed and agreed upon by the council at the February 19, 2020 meeting that the council would allocate $10,000 to the Golf Board to assist them in the purchase of a new truck. Said allocation was agreed to be in the form of partial forgiveness ($10,000 of the $20,000 payment) of the annual payment made to the City pursuant to Resolution 6-2016. Brad Deal made a motion to approve Resolution 6-2020, seconded by Steve Bell. Passed 5-0.
- Ordinance 4-2020: Broadband Ready Community – This ordinance is necessary to be adopted in order for the City to be designated as a Broadband Ready Communtiy with the State. This is based on the model ordinance provided by Indiana Economic Development Corporation. Shane Litz made a motion to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance 4-2020 on the first reading, seconded by Brad Deal. Passed 5-0. Shane Litz made a motion to approve Ordinance 4-2020, seconded by Brad Deal. Passed 5-0.
- Jim Coffenberry: Presentation regarding EDA project at the Industrial Park (Water and Sewer Expansion) – The Industrial Park which is located in the County byt served with City water and sewer is going to be seeing some significant expansion from businesses in the park. In order to accommodate the expansion extensions of water and sewer service need to be made. The expansion of the utilities will be funded through a combination of grant money through the Public Works Program of Economic Development Administration and TIF funds (as the match money). As the project is located in the County but the infrastructure to be updated is in the City the EDA will require that the City and County be co-applicants on the grant. The project should not cost the City any money as there should be sufficient money through the grant and the TIF to cover everything. Council was in agreeance that expansion was needed. The project will move forward with the next step being the Request for Qualifications being sent out in order to secure an engineer.
- Rick Anderson with Energy Savings – Presented the potential for energy savings project to the city. Council decided to take recommendation under advisement.
- Cemetery Mowing Contracts – Requests for Proposals were sent out for Cottage Hill and Restlawn cemeteries. There were two (2) offers received back in response to the request. One was from Lawn America and the other from Long’s Lawn Care. The offers came back higher than the amount budgeted for the services. For Cottage Hill Long’s Lawn Care came in the lowest for $29,000 for 2020 and $32,000 for 2021. For Restlawn Lawn America came in the lowest for $5,500 for 2020 and $5,500 for 2021. The total budget for cemetery mowing for 2020 is $29,000. Therefore, council will need to do an additional appropriation for the $5,500 shortfall for 2020 and will need to budget $37,500 for cemetery mowing in the 2021 budget. Council agreed to this plan. As such, Board of Works can move forward with awarding the mowing contracts.
- Purchase of Fire Department Fire Truck – The General Obligation Bonds of 2019 were intended to fund the purchase of a new fire truck. The City had initially earmarked $500,000.00 for this purchase based on the preliminary estimates obtained but it was understood that the exact cost was unknown. The City sent out a Request for Proposals for the purchase of the fire truck and received one bid back. The total cost to the City will be $546,325.00. This amount will be paid from proceeds for the 2019 bond but in the event that there are not sufficient funds to cover said amount council will cover the shortfall through the budget and authorize any additional appropriation as needed. The Board of Works can move forward with awarding the contract for the fire truck upon the recommendation of the scoring committee.
- Human Resource Manager Mary Jo Archer – was present to request money be added to the existing budget for safety supplies purchases. Mrs. Archer requested an additional $5,000.00 be added in light of the Covid-19 Virus or any other safety emergency that may occur. Council agreed unanimously to appropriate money in a future additional appropriation to fund the extra money for the purchase of safety supplies purchases up to $5,000.00. Brad Deal made a motion to approve spending up to $5,000.00 for safety purchases, seconded by Steve Bell. Passed 5-0.
- Shane Litz: Re-visited the topic of the 4-way Stop Sign at the corner of North Depot and Church Street. Shane stated that he was in favor of the 4-way stop only, with no parking restrictions.
- Angie Modesitt: Explained to Council that she had been approached by Robert Styx who requested a No Semi-Trucks Allowed sign at the corner of North 59 and McDonald Street. Angie Modesitt made a motion to approve a No Semi-Trucks Allowed sign at the corner of North 59 and McDonald Street, seconded by Shane Litz. Passed 5-0.
ADJOURNMENT: Steve Bell made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Angie Modesitt. The motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.