FOR JAN. 10, 2017
A meeting of the Brazil Park Board was held on Jan. 10, 2017 at 6:07 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Carrol Evans.
ROLL CALL: President Carrol Evans, Vice President Brian Bemis, Treasurer Zach Stultz and Secretary Janet McClellan
The Pledge to the Flag was led by Carrol Evans
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Brian Bemis made a motion to pass minutes from Dec. 13, 2016; seconded by Zach Stultz. The motion passed 4-0.
As of Dec. 2016:
YTD Balance-$229,093.99
Remaining balance- -$16,293.99
Remaining Non-Reverting balance-$27,462.98
PARK SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Marv Moon presented the report.
Report as follows:
- New Polaris 570 Ranger was purchased for maintenance operations
- New Power Washer was purchased with funds left from 2016 operating budget
- No reports of vandalism to Christmas in the park displays were made
- Proposed campground sites at the edge of wooded area in Craig Park has been inspected
See Attached for the remaindered of items.
- Election of Officers- Janet Nominated Carrol Evans as President. Seconded by Brian. Janet nominated Brian Bemis for VP. Seconded by Carrol. Carrol nominated Zach Stultz for Treasurer. Seconded by Brian. Zach nominated Janet McClellan as Secretary. Seconded by Carrol. Motion passed 4-0 on all offices.
- Mowing Contract- Brian and Janet worked on the mowing contract. Traci Orman the City Attorney just mailed out the packets to the mowing businesses. We will have to set up a special meeting to go through quotes. Will award the mowing contract in Feb. 2017 meeting.
- Review other Contracts- We have Coke coming up in April 2017. YMCA, CYL, Rotary, Tri Kappa, Christmas in the Park, and ASK softball. We will review as needed.
- Shelter Rental Fees and Deposit- Marv would like to increase the shelter rental fees and add a deposit. He would like to see a deposit of $20 per rental and $40 for the shelter fee. Clerk office said this can be done as long as it is approved by the board. Per discussion we are not going to committee to a deposit fee at this time. Brian made a motion to raise the shelter fees to $40 per shelter starting Jan. 11, 2017. Janet seconded. Motion passed 4-0.
- Grants- The Park Board can apply for 2 different grants through DNR. One grant is Recreational Trails with an 80/20 match and the other is Land & Water Conservation Fund with a 50/50 match. We cannot apply for the grants till the 5 year plan is approved by DNR. Once they approve we can start the process on one or both grants. We will discuss in the future after the 5 year plan is approved.
- Drainage- Carrol is going to the City Council meeting for money from our Cash Reserve into a fund for the Drainage project. We can start ASAP on the Drainage project once the money is in place.
- Pool-Mayor, Carrol, and Brian met with the YMCA board and aquatics director. They seem interested in the Pool. Brian even gave a tour of the pool area. They are bringing this up with their board to see if this is something they can take on. They will respond back to us sometime in Feb. 2017.
- 5 year Plan – Zach and Carrol submitted the 5 year plan to Greg Bytus with DNR. He sent it back with about a couple of hours of corrections. Carrol and Zach will make corrections. Then send back to Greg at DNR. Once it comes back and is good to move forward it will be presented to Park Board Members to sign off. After we approve, then the 5 year Plan will be sent to Greg Bytus for the final plan.
Special Meeting Notes from Tues. Jan. 31, 2017:
Called to order by President Carrol Evans. At 6:01pm. Carrol opened all mowing quotes. All quotes were for 2 years. JC Landscaping was $41,089.50. Long’s Lawncare was $55,000.00. US Lawns was $52,576.68. Lawn America was $40,020.00. Janet made a motion to take all quotes under advisement. Brian second. Motion passed 4-0. Zac made a motion to adjourn. Brian second. Motion passed 4-0
ADJOURNMENT: Zach made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Brian. Motion passed 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m.
Janet McClellan Date
Park Board Secretary