


FOR JUNE 12, 2024

A meeting of the Common Council was held on June 12, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in Brazil City Hall.  The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.

PRAYER:  Prayer was led by Steve Bell.

ROLL CALL: Mayor Brian Wyndham and Council Members, Steve Bell, Karen Boes, Shane Litz and Angie Modesitt.  Brad Deal was absent.  


  • Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, City Attorney Traci Orman and Brazil Times Representative Hayley Cooper.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:   Angie Modesitt made a motion to approve minutes from May 8, 2024, seconded by Steve Bell.  The motion passed 4-0.




  1. Thomas Modesitt – 2 hour parking limits on National Avenue – Thomas Modesitt was not present to discuss so council tabled discussion. 
  2. Chicken Coop: Tabitha Faulkner (508 Edgewood Dr.) – Petition was missing a diagram, however area is fenced in and all neighbors signed petition with no objections.  Shane Litz made a motion to approve the Chicken Coop located at 508 Edgewood Drive, seconded by Karen Boes.  Motion Passed 4-0.
  3. Tax Abatements:  Approval of CF-1s
  4. Davis Zellar Place LP (New Hope) –

RP 2015 – 16

  1. 18 W Blaine – Angie Modesitt made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.
  • 305 N Alabama – Angie Modesitt made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.
  • 420 E Darley – Angie Modesitt made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.
  • 503 W Kruzan – Angie Modesitt made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.
  • 704 S Depot – Angie Modesitt made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.
  • 914 S Walnut – Angie Modesitt made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.

       RP 5-2021

  1. 115 W National Angie Modesitt made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.
  2. 202 N Washington – Angie Modesitt made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.
  3. Britt Aero

RP 2017-16 – Shane Litz made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by     

Steve Bell.  Motion Passed 4-0.

      PP 2017 -7 – Shane Litz made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by

Steve Bell.  Motion Passed 4-0.

  • Indiana Powder Coating / Owen County Real Estate

RP 2021-2 –  Shane Litz made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by

     Karen Boes.  Motion Passed 4-0.

RP 2021-3 –  Shane Litz made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by

     Karen Boes.  Motion Passed 4-0.  

  • Timberland & Emmert

Real Property –

  1. 2020-2 Steve Bell made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.
  2. 2021-6 Steve Bell made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.
  3. 2021-12  Steve Bell made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.

Personal Property –

  1. 2017-9 Steve Bell made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.
  2. 2020-3 Steve Bell made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.
  3. 2021-7 Steve Bell made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.
  4. 2023-6 Steve Bell made a motion for substantial compliance, seconded by Shane Litz.  Motion Passed 4-0.


  • Angie Modesitt – Inquired about the residence at 320 n. Hoosier Street.  Angie wanted to know what could be done to clean up the yard and mow.  She stated that the owner of the residence was David Miller and Janet McClellan Planning and Zoning Administrator has sent letters to him, and she feels more needs to be done.  Angie also stated that the neighbor and nearby church are cleaning up and mowing the yard.  Mayor Brian Wyndham explained that the neighbors and church needed to stop helping so that the homeowner would be in non-compliance and with that the city could then start the process for violations.  Angie then expressed to council that there is a hole that is needing patched on Meridian Street, between Compton Street and Logan Street.  Mayor Brian Wyndham expressed that there was due to be a meeting with Joink the following week to talk with them about all the street cuts they have done in town and have not returned to properly patch.  
  • Steve Bell – Commented that he has received some recent complaints on children driving golfcarts around town.  Steve asked when the police patrol Forest Park to watch for these golfcarts.  Steve also wanted the Mayor to know that he thought that the Mayor handled the “Cruise -In” very well.  
  • Brad Deal –None
  • Karen Boes – None
  • Shane Litz – Commented that he saw children playing on the roll – off dumpsters at Forest Park and asked for the children to stop.  Shane stated that he had received multiple complaints. 


  • Mayor Wyndham stated that the Splash Pad has gone well, and he believes that it is making a huge impact in the community. 
  • Mayor Wyndham updated the council on the Raw Water Main Study and explained that they would look at doing this project in phases due to the expense of it.  SRF Funding is being investigated. 
  • Mayor Wyndham wanted to express his heartfelt condolences to the John Zuel Family on his passing. 
  • Mayor Wyndham updated the council on the Wastewater project at I-70, he stated that it is moving forward. 
  • Mayor Wyndham updated the council on the bridge at Craig Park stating that it will be installed before the end of the year. 

FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: nextCouncil Meeting July 10, 2024 @ 5 pm.

ADJOURNMENT: Shane Litz made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Karen Boes.  Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned @ 5:44 p.m.

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