FOR APRIL 13, 2022
A meeting of the Common Council was held on April 13, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Brian Wyndham and Council Members Shane Litz, Karen Boes, Angie Modesitt, and Brad Deal. Steve Bell was absent.
The Pledge to the American Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
- Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, City Attorney Traci Orman, Brazil City Fire Department Union President Zach Mormans, Bob DeCamp with the Senior Citizen Center, Frank Phillips with WAMB, Brittany Sauter City of Brazil Resident, Mark McCollum President of Forest Park Golf Board, Brazil City Fireman Stoney Fisher and Park Superintendent Anthony Moon.
PRAYER was said by Karen Boes.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Karen Boes made a motion to approve March 9, 2022 minutes, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motion passed 3-1. Brad Deal abstained.
- Ordinance #1-2022: Amending Fire Fighter Salaries and Agreement to Modify Fire Fighter Union Contract to take affect starting July 2022– Shane Litz made a motion to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance #1-2022 on the first reading, seconded by Karen Boes. Motion Passed 4-0. Shane Litz then made a motion to approve Ordinance #1-2022, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motion Passed 4-0.
- Ordinance #2-2022: Amending Ordinance regarding Additional Compensation for Certified Pool Operator – Brad Deal made a motion to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance #2-2022 on the first reading, seconded by Karen Boes. Motion Passed 4-0. Brad Deal then made a motion to approve Ordinance #2-2022, seconded by Karen Boes. Motion Passed 4-0.
- Resolution #2-2022: Amending City Travel Policy Compensation Amount for Meals- Shane Litz made a motion to approve Resolution #2-2022, seconded by Brad Deal. Motion Passed 4-0.
- Senior Citizen Donation Request of $6,000.00 from Bob DeCamp – Shane Litz made a motion to grant Bob DeCamp’s request of $6,000.00, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Request Passed 4-0.
- Mark McCollum – Forest Park Golf Course Board President – Mark McCollum gave the council updates on the Forest Park Golf Course to include the purchase of a new mower and water pump. Mark McCollum then followed up with a request to increase the Golf Course Superintendent’s salary. He requested his salary to be between $58,000.00 – $60,000.00 per year. Council decided to table request.
- Humane Shelter 2023 Contract – Brazil City Police Chief Clint McQueen supplied the council with a report on calls. Current contract is $25,000.00 annually. Council needs to be thinking about future contract amount.
- Utility Receipt Tax Elimination (City water rates): 2022 HB 1002 – City Attorney Traci Orman explained HB 1002 to Council. She explained that Baker Tilley will be assisting the city with this process.
- Brad Deal – Wanted to inform the council that the Gas Company has not been fixing the holes that they are making on city streets.
- Shane Litz – Wanted to let council know that the Clay County Commissioners expressed their gratitude towards the council for their continued cooperation between the city and the county.
MAYOR COMMENTS: Mayor Brian Wyndham stated that at the next meeting scheduled April 27, 2022 we will be discussing projects that are needing done and available money to fund these projects. Mayor Wyndham then handed out a list of city parking lots that are needing paved and repaired.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: nextCouncil Meeting April 27, 2022 @ 5 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: Brad Deal made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Karen Boes. Motionpassed 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 5:53 p.m.