FOR JANUARY 13, 2016
A meeting of the Common Council was held on January 13, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Brian Wyndham, Steve Bell, Brad Deal, Roy Kellar, Shane Litz, Angela Modesitt. Also in attendance: Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, City Attorney Traci Orman
The Pledge to the Flag was lead by Mayor Wyndham
OTHERS PRESENT: Eric Somheil, Atty., Jared Grable, Brandy Pierce, Presbyterian Church Representatives Rick Wyndham, Joe Trout, Jeff Duell, Brazil Times Representative Frank Phillips, Cleve Dryden
PRAYER was said by Brad Deal
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Angela Modesitt would like to nominate Brad Deal as President of Council; seconded by Steve Bell. The motion passed 5-0.
Brad Deal would like to nominate Angela Modesitt as Vice President of Council; seconded by Shane Litz. The motion passed 5-0.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 9, 2015, Angela Modesitt made a motion to approve minutes; seconded by Brad Deal. The motion passed 5-0.
Jared Grable has remodeled a home on Dr Daniel Bigg St. He put signs for tenant parking only. He would like to request reserved parking for his tenants at this home on Dr Daniel Bigg St.
Representative from the Presbyterian Church were present to discuss their concerns about lack of parking during church services. They also commented that they will talk to their congregation about not parking in the Library parking lot. Council Members Brad Deal, Roy Kellar, Angela Modesitt and Shane Litz are not in favor of private parking on City streets.
Brandy Pierce, Representative of Four Paws Sake, received a call from a citizen upset with the Animal Control officer. Mayor Wyndham will look into this complaint.
Cleve Dryden and wife presented a jar of water from their faucet and stated that they were concerned about the quality of water in their home. Mayor Wyndham stated that he would have the Water Superintendent look into it.
- Ordinance 2-2016: Eric Somheil-Petition to Vacate- Eric Somheil, Atty., presented a petition to vacate for Gasway Insurance. Brad Deal made a motion to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance 2-2016 on 1st reading; seconded by Shane Litz. The motion passed 5-0. Motion to pass Ordinance 2-2016 made by Brad Deal, seconded by Angie Modesitt. The motion passed 5-0.
- Set meeting dates for 2016- Brad Deal would like to see meeting dates at 5:00 p.m. and keep meetings as the second Wednesday of the month. Any extra meetings needed would be on the fourth Wednesday of the month; seconded by Roy Kellar. The motion passed 5-0.
- Council Appointments to Advisory Planning Commission- Brad Deal made a motion to appoint Teresa Glenn, Angela Modesitt and Roy Kellar to the Advisory Planning Commission; seconded by Steve Bell. The motion passed 5-0.
- Council Appointments to Brazil Zoning Appeals –Brad Deal made a motion to appoint Shane Litz to the Brazil Zoning Appeals Board; seconded by Steve Bell. The motion passed 5-0.
- Resolution 1-2016: A Resolution Approving the Amendment-North Central Economic Development – Roy Kellar made a motion to approve Resolution 1-2016; seconded by Brad Deal. The motion passed 5-0.
- Walnut Street Parking Ordinance – Ordinance 1-2016: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 74 (Parking Schedules), Schedule IV (Parking Prohibited At All Times) – Ordinance 1-2016 will allow for parking on the west side of North Walnut Street beginning at Church Street and continuing north to Daniel Biggs Drive. Brad Deal made a motion to suspend rules and pass Ordinance 1-2016 on 1st reading; seconded by Angie Modesitt. The motion failed 3-2. Nays were Roy Kellar and Steve Bell. Brad Deal made a motion to pass 1st reading of Ordinance 1-2016, seconded by Shane Litz. Motion passed 3-2. Nays were Roy Kellar and Steve Bell.
- Water Rate Ordinance –Ordinance 3-2016: An Ordinance Establishing Rates and Charges for the Use of and Services Rendered by the Waterworks Utility of the City of Brazil, Indiana. It has been 4 years since a water rate increase for the City. The water rate increase is designed to cover the cost of future Capital Improvement projects. The City of Brazil has had a financial study of the Waterworks done by H.J. Umbaugh & Associates. Ordinance 3-2016 will allow for an increase of rates by 20% in 2016, 10% in 2017 and 6% in 2018, to allow for funding for projects and improvements. This tiered raise will be an increase of approximately $6/month per household in 2016. This rate increase will not affect wastewater fees since those rates are not changing. Wastewater fees are a rate which is based on consumption. The rate increase is set to take place for the March water bill which is due in April. Brad Deal made a motion to approve 1st reading of Ordinance #3-2016: An Ordinance Establishing Rates and Charges for the Use of and Services Rendered by The Waterworks Utility of the City of Brazil, Indiana; seconded by Roy Kellar. Motion passed 5-0.
- Humane Shelter Contract – The Clay County Humane Shelter has presented a proposed 2016 Animal Control Contract. Changes from last year’s contract include (1) an increase in funding from $18,000 in 2015 to $20,700 in 2016; and (2) no longer picking up dead animals for the City. Representatives from the Humane Shelter were not present to discuss the contract. Council would like to table the contract and continue to pay the Humane Shelter at the 2015 rate.
Brad Deal asked when the City will start receiving mowing bids. Mayor Wyndham stated that they will be received in March.
Angela Modesitt would like to see the removal of “Tenant Parking Only” signs on Meridian Street.
MAYOR COMMENTS: Mayor Wyndham passed out information to Council on Bond Leasing for Phase II of the Road Paving Project. This will affect the Southwest section of Brazil.
Brad Deal made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Shane Litz. Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.