


FOR APRIL 11, 2018


A meeting of the Common Council was held on April 11, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Brazil City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.

ROLL CALL: Steve Bell, Roy Kellar, Shane Litz, Angela Modesitt, Brad Deal and Mayor Brian Wyndham.

The Pledge to the Flag was led by Mayor Brian Wyndham.

OTHERS PRESENT: Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, and Frank Phillips of the Brazil Times.  City Attorney Traci Orman was absent.

PRAYER was said by Roy Kellar.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Roy Kellar made a motion to approve minutes from March 14, 2018; seconded by Shane Litz.  Brad Deal Abstained.  Passed 4-0.




  • Property Purchase Next to Water Treatment Plant: Property with a home is for sale next to property that the City currently owns that houses some of the Water Utilities wells.  Property address is 2243 East US Highway 40, Brazil, Indiana.  Owner is asking $40,000.00 for property with home on it.  It was proposed that The Water Department pay $20,000.00 plus half of the closing costs and that the City General Fund pay $20,000.00 plus the other half of closing costs to make the purchase.  Brad Deal made a motion to approve the purchase of the property for $40,000.00 with $20,000.00 coming from the general fund and $20,000.00 coming from the water department, also the water utility and the general fund will split closing costs 50/50.   Seconded by Shane Litz.  Passed 5-0.
  • Park Fountain – Funding for Improvements: Estimate for improvements has been quoted at $51,000.00.  The Park Board approved taking the money from the park’s cash reserves to fund the improvements and would like the City Council to approve this as well. All council members were in favor of the Park Board’s approval to pay for improvements out of the Park’s cash reserves.


MAYOR COMMENTS: Mayor Wyndham stated that New Hope is moving along nicely with 2 units rented and 18 more on the list to be rented.

ADJOURNMENT: Brad Deal made a motion to adjourn meeting; seconded by Roy Kellar.  The motion passed 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 5:43 p.m.

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