


FOR February 5, 2025

A meeting of the Common Council was held on February 5, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. in Brazil City Hall.  The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brian Wyndham.

PRAYER: Was led by Karen Boes.

ROLL CALL: Council members present, Shane Litz, Steve Bell, Karen Boes, Angie Modesitt and Brad Deal. 


  • Clerk-Treasurer Karen McQueen, City Attorney Lou Britton and Steve & Bonnie Wetnight.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:   Minutes for the January 8, 2025 meeting were tabled. 

AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Steve and Bonnie Wetnight were concerned over the new Dollar General coming in.



  1. Sara Lockhart – Intersection at Morton and Franklin St. Angie Modesitt suggested maybe a 4-way stop, but that’s not possible. Maybe a cross-walk with No Parking signs. The council decided to make a crosswalk with No Parking signs.
  2. Notice of Adoption and the Purport of the Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Sewage Works Revenue Bonds. $1.5 million Bond, 15-year bank term.  – Shane Litz made a motion to suspend the rules and pass Sewer Ordinance #2-2025 on the first reading, seconded by Karen Boes. Shane Litz then made a motion to approve Sewer Ordinance #2-2025, seconded by Karen Boes.  Motion Passed 5-0.
  3. Water Rates – were discussed, no action taken.
  4. Resolution electing to join or enlarge the PERF as Administered by the Indiana Public Retirement System – Steve Bell made a motion to approve Resolution #6-2025, seconded by Angie Modesitt. Motion passed 5-0.
  5. Sewer Ordinance- Shane Litz made a motion to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance #3-2025 concerning street lighting on the first reading, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion passed 5-0.  Then Brad Deal made a motion to pass Ordinance #3-2025, seconded by Angie Modesitt.  Motion Passed 5-0.
  6. Ordinance to authorize payment of the BAN – Shane Litz made a motion to approve first reading of Ordinance #4-2025, special appropriation to authorize payment on the BAN, seconded by Steve Bell. Motion passed 5-0.  
  7. Resolution to be made for raw water lines engineering fees that have been made. To be paid from General Fund, Cash Reserves, up to $350,000.00.


  • Angie Modesitt – Who is making holes on Hendrix St.. Angie also stated that Church’s Chicken is going where KFC is.      
  • Steve Bell – Thanks the city for THRIVE bus routes. People have approached him in appreciation.
  • Brad Deal  – None
  • Karen Boes – None
  • Shane Litz – None


  • Mayor Brian Wyndham stated that the city has a lot going on. 

FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: the next Council Meeting is on February 26, 2025.ADJOURNMENT: Brad Deal made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Angie Modesitt.  Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned @ 6:02 p.m.

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